Monday, August 12, 2019

August 12, 2019 Monday#Getthebasics#busytimes#UsvsIndians#Miscinfo

Get Faith
1 Corinthians chapter 2  "When I came to you brothers and sisters, I did not come proclaiming the mystery of God to you in lofty words or wisdom."  I'm afraid the Christian church would have failed in those years had that been the method the Disciples had used.  Our God comes to his people in the way we can accept Him.  He reaches us thru love and the simple understanding that if we believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ that we are saved and belong to Him.  The basic Gospel is John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."  There is, of course more to learn but if you believe in that one statement the rest makes more sense and comes to you easier. 

On this day
2002  After work my day was just beginning.  Nicole had basketball practice and a sports check up.  This would be her senior year starting up and school activities were ramping up as well.  I had to go over to the A field concession stand to get it cleaned up for the coming year.  I was on the Mom and Dad club responsible for all the concession stand stuff.    After that I stopped at Karen Mathis' house for a jewelry party.  Gotta make room for some fun, ya know!

1676 - "King Phillip's War" came to an end with the killing of Indian chief King Phillip. The war between the Indians and the Europeans lasted for two years.  different Indians - same stupidity.

Fairfield Australia
The most common ethnic groups were Assyrian (11.9%), Vietnamese (9.4%), Chinese (8.8%), Iraqi (7.9%) and Australian (3.4%).
The top responses for religious affiliation were Catholic (31.7%), Buddhism (11.6%), No Religion (10.6%) and Islam (9.7%). Christianity was the largest religious group reported overall (61.5%).
49.4%% were couple families with children, 22.4% were couple families without children and 24.7% were one parent families. Children aged 0–14 years made up 20.9% of the population. Of people over 15 years, 48.2% were married and 12.7% were either divorced or separated. 12.9% of single parents were male and 87.1% were female. Of all households, 76.5% were family households, 21.1% were single person households and 2.4% were group households.
Dwellings and occupation
Of occupied private dwellings in Fairfield, 39.6%% were separate houses, 13.4%% were semi-detached or townhouses and 46.0% were apartments. 21.3%% of the dwellings were owned and 55.0% were rented. The median family income of people living in Fairfield ($650 per week) was much lower than the national median ($1481).[1]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Glen S and Brian

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