Friday, August 16, 2019

August 16, 2019 Friday#Love#PerfectSunday#Postoffice#Aussiecuisine!

Get Faith
1 Corinthians chapter 13  "Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude."  Love is the power we are born to, the fuel of our lives, it is that which the universe is based on.  I believe that when God created everything from nothing he used the power of His great love for this creation and all that is on it from beginning to end.  We are created from love.  What we create will end but God's love is eternal and also for those who believe.  We are the descendants of His love.

On this day
2009  It was a Sunday and after church my neighbor Ty came over and we sat in the driveway and solved the worries of the world over a beer.  Nicole was on her way home from camp and so I was preparing food and getting the BBQ gas refilled so I would be ready.  I always grill more when Nicole is home.  Then I sat in the yard with my feet in the little plastic pool to wait.  The little girl next door, Keyanna came over and sat with me and we splashed each other.  What a perfect Sunday afternoon.  And, my Mom was here as well.  Yep perfect.

1842 - In New York City, the U.S. government took over operations of the City Despatch Post. This was the first congressionally authorized local postage delivery. And that is why our postage is .50 a stamp.

Fairfield Australia

Development of modern Australian cuisine[edit]

Chinatown, MelbourneMulticulturalism has contributed to the development of a diverse local cuisine in Australia.
Following the pre-colonial periodBritish colonisers began arriving with the First Fleet of ships at Sydney harbour in 1788.[14] The diet consisted of "bread, salted meat, and tea, with lashings of rum (from the West Indies, but which was later made from the waste cane of the sugar industry in Queensland)."[15] The British found familiar game in Australia including swangoosepigeon and fish, but the new settlers often had difficulty adjusting to the prospect of native fauna as a staple diet.[1]
After initial difficulties, Australian agriculture became a major global producer and supplied an abundance of fresh produce for the local market. Stock grazing (mostly sheep and cattle) are prevalent throughout the continent. Queensland and New South Wales became Australia's main beef cattleproducers, while dairy cattle farming is found in the southern states, predominantly in Victoria. Wheat and other grain crops are spread fairly evenly throughout the mainland states. Sugar cane is also a major crop in Queensland and New South Wales. Fruit and vegetables are grown throughout Australia[16] and wheat is a main component of the Australian diet.[17] Today there are over 85,681 farm businesses in Australia, 99 percent of which are locally owned and operated.[18]
Barbecued meat is ubiquitous with Modern Australian cuisine, though it is estimated that more than 10% of Australians are now vegetarian.[19][20]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!!  Happy birthday to Pam H and Mary M!!

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