Tuesday, August 13, 2019

August 13, 2019 Tuesday#Goodwork!#Collegecoming#Aussiefood!

Get Faith
1 Corinthians chapter 3  "What then is Apollos?  What is Paul?  Servants through whom you came to believe, as the Lord assigned to each."  We are no less than Apollos  or Paul.  We are commissioned to the same work of gathering the lost sheep for the Lord.  We are assigned also to reach out through words and/or actions to be disciples here to bring people to Christ.  In whatever you do - feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, housing the homeless, teaching Sunday School or whatever, just know you are doing God's work the same as Apollos, Paul and all the disciples before you - it is work you will never regret.

On this day
2003  It was super hot this week, I picked up Subway on the way home and then Nicole and I went to Bed Bath and Beyond for college stuff.  Mom came over after we got back to see all the dorm things Nicole got.  We sat outside for a while, probably enjoying the short time we had before Nicole went off to Albion college.  This was a hard move for both of us, but we made it.  The next day was when the power crashed all over the north east US and Canada.

1521 - Present day Mexico City was captured by Spanish conqueror Hernando Cortez from the Aztec Indians. 

Fairfield Australia

Australian cuisine

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Australian cuisine refers to the food and cooking practices of Australia and its inhabitants. As a modern nation of large-scale immigration, Australia has a unique blend of culinary contributions and adaptations from various cultures around the world, including Indigenous AustraliansAsiansEuropeans and Pacific Islanders.
Indigenous Australians have occupied Australia for some 65,000 years, during which they developed a unique hunter-gatherer diet, known as bush tucker, drawn from regional Australian flora and fauna. Australia became a collection of British colonies from 1788 to 1900, during which time culinary tastes were strongly influenced by British and Irish migrants, with agricultural products such as beef cattlesheep and wheat becoming staples in the local diet. The Australian gold rushes introduced more varied immigrants and cuisines, mainly Chinese, whilst Australia's post-war multicultural immigration program led to a large-scale diversification of local food, particularly under the influence of Mediterranean and East and South Asian Australians.[1]
Australian cuisine in the 21st century reflects the influence of globalisation, with many fast-food restaurants and international trends becoming influential. Organic and biodynamic foods have also become widely available alongside a revival of interest in bushfood.[2] Australia has become famous for the high quality of its exports, with major agricultural industries including cattle and calveswheatfruit and nutsvegetablesmilksheepand lambs (for meat and wool), poultrybarleycanola.[3] The country is also well regarded for its locally-made winebeer and soft drinks.
While fast food chains are abundant, Australia's metropolitan areas have famed haute cuisine and nouvelle cuisine establishments that offer both local and international foods. Restaurants whose product includes contemporary adaptations, interpretations or fusions of exotic influences are frequently termed Modern Australian.[4]  now I'm hungry!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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