Friday, August 2, 2019

August 2, 2019 Friday#SharetheGospel#Asummerday#Aboriginal-originalpeople

Get Faith
2 Thessalonians chapter 2  "But we must always give thanks to God for you, brothers and sisters beloved by the Lord, because God chose you as the first fruits for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and through belief in the truth."  Those first disciples that went out into a world that had never heard of Jesus Christ and the promise we have through him with God needed all the help and support they could get.  Now 2,000 + years later we still need help spreading the word.  The story has not changed and we are still called to share the Gospel with the world.  So many have not heard it.

On this day
1986  It was a hot summer day and Mark Nicole and I went to Barb and Bills to swim in their pool.  Andy, Alice and the girls came by too.  It was a nice day.  My cousin Barb and I have remained close, we have dinner together once a month at our cousins dinner.  Her immediate siblings were 9 and you can only imagine how many of them the generations have multiplied into.  I consider myself lucky to see her. 

1824 - In New York City, Fifth Avenue was opened. I always think of the Easter Parade song when I hear Fifth Avenue.

Fairfield Australia


For more than 30,000 years, Aboriginal people from the Cabrogal-Gandangara tribe have lived in the Fairfield area.

European settlement, 1780s–1810s[edit]

The earliest recorded white settlement in the Fairfield district is described in William Bradley's Journal where he noted an expedition from Rose Hill to Prospect Creek to determine whether Prospect Creek led to Botany Bay. Bradley described a place on the Creek where the water changed from fresh to salt with a drop of 4 feet (1.2 m). The presence of salt water confirmed Prospect Creek's connection to the sea.[4] Breton Gabriel Louis Marie Huon de Kerrileau, a soldier in the NSW Corps arrived in the colony in 1794, having fled France during the French Revolution. In 1807 he received a grant of 100 acres (40 ha) in the centre of Fairfield, which he named Castel Paul.[5] This was an Englished form of the town in which he was born in Brittany, Kastell-Paol, Saint-Pol-de-Léon in French. By 1814 Castel Paul had been combined, by subsequent owners, with several similarly sized grants to form a largely uncleared 700 acres (280 ha) estate.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Lynn P.

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