Tuesday, August 6, 2019

August 6, 2019 Tuesday#falseidols#Softballparty#lifeonMars#FairlieldsAssyrians

Get Faith
Acts chapter 19  "A man named Demetrius, a silversmith who made silver shrines of Artemis, brought no little business to the artisans.  These he gathered together, with the workers of the same trade, and said, "men, you know that we get our wealth from this business."   It is very hard to give up false gods when they are your way and means of life.  These men made statues of Artemis a god that was celebrated all over Asia at the time.  So Paul and his followers were not very popular there.  What are your gods that would be hard to give up?  As a young women I had plenty of idols like, smoking, drinking and partying.  Nothing that did me any good.  When I gave them up, after God gave me my daughter and brought me back to church, I realized how important my faith, that I had ignored for so long, was the best thing I could have.  God is good.

On this day
1996  Mom had taken Nicole over to the city pool for her end of the season softball with the team.  I went over from work afterward.  That was a great vehicle for us all those years.  I didn't realized when I signed Nicole up at 5 years old how important and life supporting it would be.  She made a lot of good friends through soft ball, and so did I.  We had the family baseball picnic after the pool.  I wonder if this was the day we tried the water ballet as a team?  Good times.

1996 - NASA announced the discovery of evidence of primitive life on Mars. The evidence came in the form of a meteorite that was found in Antarctica. The meteorite was believed to have come from Mars and contained a fossil. I don't remember this but it is interesting.

Fairfield Australia

Rapid growth, 1980s–2010s[edit]

During the mid to late 1980s war between Iraq and Iran, large number of Assyrians fled Iraq and settled in Fairfield, making it the most popular settlement for Assyrians. In 1990, Neeta City was opened due to the rapid growth of Fairfield's commercial centre. An amphitheatre situated in Spencer Street with chess board was closed in the early 2000s with the street reopening to traffic. In the mid 2000s, Fairfield's first high rise apartment building (around 9 to 11 storeys) was constructed, with a number of other high rise buildings which were built consequentially throughout the city centre. In 2005, a small movie theatre in Fairfield Forum was closed in 2005.[11]
In 2015, the Abbott government granted 12,000 extra humanitarian visas to persecuted groups in the war-torn Middle Eastern countries, namely Syria. The Department of Social Services confirmed that 11,400 Iraqi and Syrian refugees (many of whom being Assyrian) were admitted to Australia as part of its one-off humanitarian intake, with half of them primarily settling in Fairfield and also Liverpool. Fairfield City accommodated 3,000 humanitarian arrivals in 2016, taking in 75% of all western Sydney's refugee intake, with Liverpool City Council second at 14%.[12] Fairfield City Centre today features a concoction of retail, commercial and residential developments, including medium density edifices and medium to high-rise shop-top housing developments.  I wonder how this has worked for the Assyrians and the Australians.  Commendable!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to David C and Marie!

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