Tuesday, August 27, 2019

August 27, 2019 Tuesday#justified#brothers#rightsofman#Aboriginalrock

Get Faith
Romans chapter 5  "Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand; and we boast in our hope of sharing the glory of God."  It is so hard to explain the peace and comfort we have in our faith to someone who has not experienced it.  When you are cleansed of sin and the guilt that it carries, there is a freedom that causes you to breathe and relax.  If you are burdened with grief and guilt for things in your life it is hard to move on and be happy with who you are.  In Christ we have been forgiven, not to continue to sin, for as humans it is impossible to not sin.  Our God is  huge in forgiveness, he knows your heart and knows if you are truly sorry - his forgiving loving heart is farther than east or west and north or south.  There are no boundaries to his love for you - He just wants you to know Him.

On this day
1976    Chris left work early to go into Toronto and after work I stopped at the gas station where my brother Mark was working.  This seemed like a good job for him, except, his legs were already giving him trouble, at 19, from his diabetes.  He had an apartment with another guy right across the street and I checked on him regularly to make sure there was food, etc.  As I said, it didn't last - his health was already on the down slide.  When I got home to my home in Birmingham Pete was waiting for me to get ready and go to a birthday party out on the east side.  From there we just stayed on the boat all weekend.

1789 - The Declaration of the Rights of Man was adopted by the French National Assembly.   This might be an interesting read - what are the rights of man?

Bradshaws in the Kimberley region of Western Australia
Sunbaker (1937), an iconic photograph by Max Dupain
Aboriginal rock art is the oldest continuous art tradition in the world, dating as far back as 60,000 years. From the Bradshaw and Wondjina imagery in the Kimberley to the Sydney rock engravings, it is spread across hundreds of thousands of sites, making Australia the richest continent in terms of prehistoric art.[55]19th-century Indigenous activist William Barak painted ceremonial scenes, such as corroborees.[56] The Hermannsburg School, led by Albert Namatjira, received national fame in the 1950s for their desert watercolors.[57] Leading critic Robert Hughes saw contemporary Indigenous art as "the last great art movement of the 20th century".[58] Key exponents such as Emily Kame KngwarreyeRover Thomas and the Papunya Tula group use acrylic paints on canvas to depict dreamingsset in a symbolic topography. Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri's Warlugulong (1977) typifies this style, popularly known as "dot painting". Art is important both culturally and economically to Indigenous society; central Australian Indigenous communities have "the highest per capita concentrations of artists anywhere in the world".[59] Issues of race and identity are raised in the works of many 'urban' Indigenous artists, including Gordon Bennett and Tracey Moffatt.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday  Demetrious!

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