Saturday, August 3, 2019

August 3, 2019 Saturday!OurFather#Sickkid#Familiarproblems#Railroadforsucess

Get Faith
2 Thessalonians chapter 1 "Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and through grace gave us eternal comfort and good hope, comfort your hearts and strengthen them in every good work and word."  As we go into the world and live our day to day lives we need to always remember God our Father and how he has given us strength to live as His children.  Through out the old Testament you can read of His unfailing love and forgiveness as he tried to lead his people to live good lives in his way.  When all of the stories of his help and guidance failed to save his people he came to us in Jesus Christ to physically show us how to live better lives.  WE have His promise that in believing in the Savior - Jesus the Christ we can be forgiven for our sins and gain eternal life, a life that fulfills all the promises of joy and peace that he wanted us to have from the beginning.

On this day
1988   The day before when I picked up Nicole from my Mom's house she was running a fever.  All mom's know the feeling of guilt when you have left your kid and then they get sick.  So on this day I took her to the doctor.  She had been in the hospital a couple months before with HUS a kidney failure problem so we took nothing for granted.  He put her on an antibiotic and we chilled at home in the a/c till her fever came down.  It was a very hot and humid week, and when they are only 3, you hover.  I only worked a couple days of the week to cover our health insurance so it was easy to stay home with her when I needed to.

1988 - The Iran-Contra hearings ended. No ties were made between U.S. President Reagan and the Nicaraguan Rebels. 

1988 - The Soviet Union released Mathias Rust. He had been taken into custody on May 28, 1987 for landing a plane in Moscow's Red Square. 
It was crazy back then too.

Fairfield Australia

Early development, 1820s–1920s[edit]

The free settler John Horsley purchased the estate in that year and named it Mark Lodge, after family properties in EssexEngland.[6] Horsley, a Magistrate and Coroner at Liverpool (1825-1834), and his large family were among the pioneers of white settlement in the Fairfield District. Later, a Colonial Treasurer, Thomas Ware Smart (1810–1881) bought the estate and in the 1860s built the mansion, 'Fairfield House'.[7] Fairfield railway station was opened in 1856 and has the oldest surviving railway building in New South Wales. Development began in the mid 19th century supported by railway construction in 1856. The railway aided with the enlargement of local industries including timber, fruit development and agricultural produce. Around the start of the 20th century the area had a population of 2,500 people and with fertile soils, produced crops for distribution in Sydney. Electricity was connected in 1921.[8]    
Sounds much like the US development at the same time.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Angela!

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