Wednesday, August 7, 2019

August 7, 2019 Wednesday #Riskitall#neverlearn#businessasusual

Get Faith
Acts chapter 20  "I did not shrink from doing anything helpful, proclaiming the message to you and teaching you publicly and from house to house."  This was a letter from Miletus to the city of Ephesus where he was a disciple of Christ.  It wasn't easy being there, the Jews were still in the dark and not open to joining them in the light of Jesus Christ.  Their lives were in danger every minute.  But the love they had for the Word of God and the people that needed to hear about Jesus was so strong that they risked it all for love of God.  How far? How much would you risk to tell someone about Jesus?

On this day
1998  The night before, my neighbor Roxanne had talked me into going to the Nautical Mile Days beer tent with her.  So, when I woke up on this work day - well I was slightly hungover, like the old days.  Only now after working I was hosting the end of the season softball team party at our house.  So the moral of the story is - nevermind there is no moral here, if you haven't learned by now you never will.  Party on.

1789 - The U.S. War Department was established by the U.S. Congress. A necessary evil.

Fairfield Australia

Commercial area[edit]

Fairfield consists of a combination of main street retail centred in Smart and Ware Streets, arcade and larger shopping centres, with a variety of activities including retail, café/restaurant/take away foods, supermarkets (with some displayed in a bazaar-style environment), personal services and commercial uses. Although most of these commercial precincts are not a leading part of Fairfield's night time attribute at present, wedding receptions, however, do prevail night activity on the weekends. A couple of shop fronts along The Crescent are in the Federation and Art Decostyle, which date from the late 1890s to 1920s, respectively, reflecting its former role as an early main street. The CBD is surrounded by a halo of three storey residential flat buildings, which are beneficial for pedestrian activity to the City Centre. The community holds public gathering and interaction in a high regard, which is manifested by the CBD's active shopping streets and daily social assemblage for playing chess on Kenyon Street.[13]
Fairfield has three shopping malls which were established between the 1980s and early 1990s: Fairfield ForumNeeta City and Fairfield Chase. The former two are larger and have been refurbished a few times in recent years. The latter has had no refurbishment works undertaken since 1998 and has a vacancy rate of approximately 40%. Forum contains KmartAldi and Coles. Neeta City features a Big W discount department store as well as a Woolworths supermarket. Fairfield Chase Commercial Tower, Fairfield's first high-rise structure, is an office building atop Chase shopping centre which features government tenants such as NSW Legal AidNSW Service for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors and employment agencies. Fairfield doesn't feature a formal ‘City Square’, though The Crescent Plaza, opened to the public in December 2016, and Thomas Ware Plaza in Nelson Street, provide a similar sense of fashion to a City Square. The Crescent, Nelson, Ware and Nelson Streets are ornamented by a number of London planetreesSome familiar store names, I wonder if Kmart is surviving there?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday to Jaimie !

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