Wednesday, August 21, 2019

August 21, 2019 Wednesday #Judgment#Helpbeerandhymns#Hero#Kangaroomeat

Get Faith
2 Corinthians chapter 5  "For all of us must appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each may receive recompense for what has been done in the body, whether good or evil."  In the Apostles Creed we say "from then He shall come to judge the living and the dead"  So,  we need to think about how that is going to go for us.  We know our sins are forgiven but are we thankful enough? have we confessed our knowledge of our sins to God?  Have we asked forgiveness of sins that we didn't know of or things we should have but didn't do?  Have we served  the Lord as requested?  Helped the poor?  We know that we have salvation through grace, are we appropriately appreciative of that?  In my prayers I say that I fall short of all I can be and should be and things I am unaware of, is it enough?

On this day
2016  This was a rough year in the ice cream truck business.  I worked the entire summer - 7 days a week with 2 other girls working the counter, Carly and Paradise.  In the beginning it was all fun and money but as the summer wore on it became tedious and the girls were tired of working.  Carly, same Carly as this year had quit mid summer (same as this year).  Paradise and I kept working and then a young girl (Ukrainian) which might be why I hired her hired in.  She wanted to work in the freezer but I needed her in the office.  It worked out well.....for a while.  This was a Sunday and we closed at 2.  Waynette came over for dinner and then we went to Dragonmeade for beer and hymns.  A bright spot after a long week.

1831 - Nat Turner, a former slave, led a violent insurrection in Virginia. He was later executed. An American hero!



Kangaroo meat found in restaurants, supermarkets or butchers
Kangarooemu and crocodile meat is available in Australia, although it is not among the most commonly eaten meats. In colonial recipes, kangaroo was treated much like ox tail, and braised until tender forming a rich gravy. It is available today in various cuts and sausages.[33][34]
Sheep grazing in rural Australia. Early British settlers introduced Western stock and crops
Lamb is very popular in Australia, with roasting cuts (legs and shoulders), chops, and shanks being the most common cuts. Lamb will often form part of either a Sunday roast or a barbecue. It is also commonly found as an ingredient in doner kebabs, a dish of Turkish origin that has been popular in Australia since the 1970s. Australia consumes more sheep meat than any other country listed by the OECD-FAO (with Kazakhstan in second place). In 2017, Australians consumed an average of 8.5 kilograms (19 lb) per person. By way of comparison, New Zealanders average 3.2 kilograms (7.1 lb) and Americans just 0.4 kilograms (0.88 lb).[35
Tie me kangaroo down mate - tie me kangaroo down......

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Carl and Karla!!

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