Monday, August 19, 2019

August 19, 2019 Monday #Thelight#Atwater#Sundaybaseball#Coffeeculture!

Get Faith

2 Corinthians chapter 4  "For it is God who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."  God is light and he sent His son Jesus to be the light to us so that we can have better lives and so have eternal life with Him in the light eternal.  Jesus taught us how to be the people that God wanted us to be in the Garden of Eden, the people that he wanted to walk and spend time with.  Blessed be the Lord from everlasting to everlasting.

On this day
2014  I was retired and Mom and Nicole were home with me.  It had not been the best year, Mom had been in and out of the hospital, depressed and hard to get along with.  I think Nicole was working at Fulex, but wasn't really satisfied with the way her life was going.  Andy was having more health problems and would come down to see Mom and help out with her.  But once a month the cousins got together and on this day Kathy, Waynette, Margaret, Nicole and I went to Atwater.  If it was a good place with good beer, Nicole could be enticed to join us.  You always need a bright spot in the day.

1917 - Team managers John McGraw and Christy Matthewson were arrested for breaking New York City's blue laws. The crime was their teams were playing baseball on Sunday. And now it is a way of life.

Australia cuisine


flat white with latte art.
Australia has a distinct coffee culture. The coffee industry has grown from independent cafés since the early 20th century. The flat white first became popular in Australia, and its invention is claimed by a Sydneysider.[27][28]
The iconic Greek cafés of Sydney and Melbourne were the first to introduce locally roasted coffees in 1910. In 1952, the first espresso machines began to appear in Australia and a plethora of fine Italian coffee houses were emerging in Melbourne and Sydney. Pelligrini's Espresso Bar and Legend Café often lay claim to being Melbourne's first ‘real’ espresso bars, opening their doors in 1954 and 1956 respectively. This decade also saw the establishment of one of Australia's most iconic coffee brands, Vittoria, which remains the country's largest coffee maker and distributor. The brand has existed in Australia since 1958, well before it moved to the US.[29]
Although Australians often drink tea at home, it has been found that in out-of-home establishments where tea and coffee are sold together, tea accounted for only 2.5% of total sales. To this day, coffee chains such as Starbucks have very little market share in Australia, with other homegrown franchises such as Hudsons Coffee and Gloria Jean's Coffees also contributing to the smaller coffee chain market share.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Barb O!

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