Thursday, October 31, 2019

October 31, 2019 Thursday#Lovecommunity#Halloweenprank!#Thinmints#Sailing~~

Get Faith
1 John chapter 5  "By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments."  Being a child of God has it's rules.  We try to live a life that God wants us to in obeying those commandments that we know to be true.  We all fall short of living a Godly life and that is why He has forgiven us through Jesus Christ.  Love is the response we show each other in knowing that we are community - which is, loved, cherished,forgiven, saved and taken home by our God.  To show our love to God we love each other and all our faults in community.

On this day
2002  Nicole had a half day of school.  I on the other hand had a full day of work and picked up pizza for the concession stand for the basketball game that evening.  It was a momentous night for a couple reasons.  They were playing one of the other St Clair Shores schools so there was a lot of competition there.  Lakeshore also included some girls Nicole had played softball with.  One of the Mom's on our team put candy bags together for the girls because it was Halloween.  The other team was super surprised that they got one too.  We also had cider, donuts and cake - after all they were still kids.  The topper of the evening was the payback that Nicole got when she discovered upon leaving that her car had been wrapped with plastic all around.  The prankster got pranked by the Athletic Director.
Happy Halloween!

1860 - Juliette Low, the founder off the Girl Scouts, was born.  I think we should all have a cookie!!

From Honolulu to Itagua Columbia
We will have to fly or sail on a southeast course to arrive at our next destination in Columbia.  Enjoy your trip!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Claudia!!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

October 30, 2019 Wednesday #Love,Love,Love#Basketball#LeagueChamps!#Shopping day

Get Faith
1 John chapter 4  "Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God."  What a wonderful message that John gave to those he brought the Gospel to.  Because of so many false preachers in his days, he felt an urgency to let them know the truth as stated in the words quoted above.  Love is the basis of our faith and keeps us in the knowledge of our Triune God.  Love is everything.

On this day
2001   My niece Lindsey had followed her step mom Alice into the banking industry, which turned out very good for her.  She did my banking for me on this day, not sure what that was but I can tell you I have opened accounts at all the banks she worked for - with the exception of the last one, for undisclosed reasons.  Mom took the newsletter to church for me.  I was leaning on family this day.  After work Nicole has a big basketball game at Centerline High School.  Craig, Jamie and Uncle Marty came to watch as well and they won!  League Champs.  It was a big win for them over a good team.  I probably could find the newspaper clip on this one.  If your kids are in sports - you know where they are AND where you are as well.

2001 - In New York City, U.S. President George W. Bush threw out the first pitch at Game 3 of the World Series between the New York Yankees and the Arizona Diamondbacks.

2001 - Michael Jordan returned to the NBA with the Washington Wizards after a 3 1/2 year retirement. The Wizards lost 93-91 to the New York Knicks.  someone has to lose.

Honolulu Hawaii
Dukes Marketplace.  A great place to get souvenirs!!  Lets!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

October 29, 2019 Tuesday #LoveGod#liveschanging#independentcommonwealth#HULA!!!

Get Faith
1 John Chapter 2  "Do not love the world or the things in the world.....the world and its desire are passing away, but those who do the will of God live forever.."  There is much evil in the world, but I love to look at the beautiful creation that God has made "the earth and everything in it" and know that God loved this world a lot.  I guess I used the past tense wondering if He is still as pleased with it.  If we are so attached to the world and the stuff we have or want, we lose the ability to see the real thing that is important.  God and in his great love for us gave his only son Jesus the Christ to die and save us from our sins that could include loving the world more than God. 

On this day
1999  After a busy week of school and work, we very often had dinner out like this day when we went to Big Boys.  Mom usually joined us but I think Nicole had plans with friends to go to the soccer game with friends, so we were in a hurry, or maybe she had her own plans.   My old friend Pete and I still kept in touch, usually just a phone call.  It was forbidden for him - he was still married.  Mom came over and spent the evening with me which was a good thing.  All of the Big Boys around me are gone now, another icon missing from my past.  I turned the corner on Mack not long ago and immediately noticed that little round guy missing from the front of the restaurant.  It is like losing an old friend.

1652 - The Massachusetts Bay Colony proclaimed itself to be an independent commonwealth.  Imagine, we could have been a continent of all separate countries like Europe - and it could still happen.

Honolulu Hawaii


The original Hula dance originates from Polynesians that voyaged to the Hawaiian Islands. Polynesians landed on the Hawaiian Islands and further developed the native Hula dance. Hula falls into two categories which are Hula Auana and Hula Kahiko. Hula Auana is Hula that was changed by Western influences and performed with musical instruments that don't originate from the Hawaiian Islands. Hula Kahiko is the original Hula dance that was refined before any outside influence.[1] The Merrie Monarch Festival was created to honor King David Kalākaua, who was the last reigning king of Hawaii. He was known for bringing Hula back to the Hawaiian Islands after the United States missionaries arrived.[2] The annual competition held in Hilo brings Hula Halau from all over the world to compete and show their knowledge of Hawaiian culture. The Merrie Monarch festival is nationally televised and teaches people all around the world about Hawaiian culture.
Lets learn how to Hula!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Ashley, Barbara, James and Katie!!

Monday, October 28, 2019

October 28, 2019 Monday #Gospelurgency#wolf/sheep#MissLiberty#

Get Faith
1 John chapter 2  "Yet I am writing you a  new commandment that is true in him and in you, because the darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining."  I think in the beginning of the Christian ministry the disciples were fresh in the word of the Gospel and the Spirit was with them constantly.  They knew their lives were short and they must have felt such urgency to get the word out to everyone.  Everyone needed to hear the new commandment that was true, from Jesus himself and to shine His light wherever they could.  I wish we had that same urgency now.  Come Lord Jesus.

On this day
1995  Mark had left two years before and I met a nice guy at church.  He was too good to be true - thoughtful,  polite, Lutheran and very good looking.  My mother loved  him.  You would think I had learned but no.  On this day, a Saturday after spending the day with Nicole and Jamie, Mom babysat while I went out on my first date since the split.  His name was Tommy (should have questioned that) and we went to the Old Heidelberg in Mt Clemens for a dinner/play.  We stopped afterward at his house, which was very nice - but I was not ready for any romance and he was.  But, he was a gentleman and brought me home.   Beware of any guy that has a Tim the TOOLMAN poster on their living room wall.  I thought it was corny but should have got the message.

1886 - The Statue of Liberty was dedicated in New York Harbor by U.S. President Cleveland. The statue weighs 225 tons and is 152 feet tall. It was originally known as "Liberty Enlightening the World."  It is amazing to me what men could create back in those days before the conveniences of today make it so much easier - and they seem to have been built much bettercanyousayLuau?.

Honolulu Hawaii
Native Hawaiian cuisine is based on the traditional Hawaiian foods that predate contact with Europeans and immigration from East and Southeast Asia. The earliest Polynesian seafarers are believed to have arrived on the Hawaiian Islands in 300–500 AD.[a] Few edible plants were indigenous to Hawaii aside from few ferns and fruits that grew at higher elevations. Various food producing plants were introduced to the island by migrating Polynesian peoples.
Botanists and archaeologists believe that these voyagers introduced anywhere from 27 to more than 30 plants to the islands, mainly for food.[1] The most important of them was taro.[2] For centuries, taro—and the poi made from it—was the main staple of the Hawaiian diet, and it is still much loved. ‘Uala (Sweet potatoes) and yams were also planted. The Marquesans, the first settlers from Polynesia, brought ‘Ulu (breadfruit) and the Tahitians later introduced the baking banana. Settlers from Polynesia also brought coconuts and sugarcane.[3] ʻAwa (Piper methysticum, commonly known as kava) is also a traditional food among Hawaiians. Breadfruit, sweet potato, kava and he‘e (octopus) are associated with the four major Hawaiian gods: KāneLono and Kanaloa.[4]
Fish, shellfish, and limu are abundant in Hawaii.[1] Flightless birds were easy to catch and eggs from nests were also eaten.[1] Most Pacific islands had no meat animals except bats and lizards.[5]
Ancient Polynesians sailed the Pacific with pigschickens and dogs and introduced them to the islands.[5] Pigs were raised for religious sacrifice, and the meat was offered at altars, some of which was consumed by priests and the rest eaten in a mass celebration.[5] The early Hawaiian diet was diverse, and may have included as many as 130 different types of seafood and 230 types of sweet potatoes.[6] Some species of land and sea birds were consumed into extinction.[7]
Sea salt was a common condiment in ancient Hawaii.[8] Inamona is a traditional relish or condiment often accompanied meals and is made of roasted and mashed kukui nutmeats, and sea salt. It sometimes mixed with seaweeds[8]  sounds like a luau would be fun!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Saturday, October 26, 2019

October 26, 2019 Saturday #Thefaithful#busylives#ohthosepoliticians#Snorkelfest!

Get Faith
Jude 20  "But you, beloved, build yourselves up on your most holy faith, pray in the Holy spirit: keep yourselves in the love of God....."  We all pray for you because you are God's beloved child, promised to Him in your baptism and held firmly in his gaze for your life.  We want you to build on your faith so that you know who you are in the family of the faithful, that you are cared for and needed to also strengthen us.  We will pray for you always and wish that you would join in our prayers to God and also pray for us.  We remember that we are all held in His love forever and want you to be also.

On this day
1991  It was a Monday and Nicole went to school.  One of her grandma's came after school to bring her home and stay with her.  We were a helicopter family you might say.   I was working for Quality on this day at the Birmingham Frames and Framing store.  I really enjoyed being in the store alone all day.  The solitude and the artwork were a peaceful happy place for me.  I loved to dust and straighten and move things around so that they might catch more attention in a different place and light.  I admit that I was not good at mat or glass cutting but could get by in a pinch.  I loved designing the framing with customers who came in with their own artwork - needlepoint's or photos' etc.    When I got home Nicole and I went to choir practice together at St Paul's.  Mark worked a lot of hours at the boat store and wasn't home much, we made our own lives.

1991 - Former Washington Mayor Marion Barry arrived at a federal correctional institution in Petersburg, VA, to begin serving a six-month sentence for cocaine possession.  gotta love those politicians!!!

Honolulu Hawaii

About Snorkelfest Snorkel Hanauma Bay
We are a small family company that provides transportation, a driving tour, and all the information and snorkeling equipment you need to have a spectacular day enjoying one of Hawaii's most visited natural attractions-Hanauma Bay! You will be able to enjoy 2 1/2-3 self-directed hours swimming with an abundance of beautiful, colorful fish and maybe a turtle or two. Our priority is your experience so we are committed to providing the highest quality service and equipment!  Let's go!!!!!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Nicky and Michelle!

Friday, October 25, 2019

October 25, 2019 Friday#Youtoo!#PoorRachel#grassskirts!

Get Faith
Jude chapter 1  "To those who are called, who are beloved in God the Father and kept safe for Jesus Christ..."  How do you feel about this address?  Do you feel like it pertains to you? Or maybe just others who are in the ministry, like pastors or missionaries?  As it turns out, we are all called to whatever we can do at church or out in the world.  We are called to love and care for one another, where ever we are or what ever line of work we are in.   We are called to be - beloved in God the Father and kept safe for Jesus Christ...  All of us. You too!

On this day
1990  I worked at Quality this day which means Nicole went to work with her dad after school.  She loved those days there with her dad and grandpa.  When I got home we had dinner and it says Jimmy ate with us. (We usually had one or more kids here for the day and meals)  Afterwards we went to Aaron's talent show at school.  The school was down the street from our friends the Casacelli's and they asked if we could drop their daughter Rachel off at home after the show.  (They had 4 kids and Rachel was the youngest)  Linda often kidded that poor Rachel got the least attention, and no extra curricular activities because they were tired out after the first three and had no more time left for her to take lessons or anything.  I get it, glad I had only two to pour over.  

1990 - It was announced by U.S. Defense Secretary Dick Cheney that the Pentagon was planning to send 100,000 more troops to Saudi Arabia.  War! Hah!  What is it good for? absolutely nothing.

Honolulu Hawaii

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

October 23, 2019 Wednesday #Savedfromjudgement#newpuppyToto#Crash#Horsebackriding!

Get Faith
II Peter chapter 3  "But by the same word the present heavens and earth have been reserved for fire, being kept until the day of judgement and destruction of the godless."  This one thought might be why many people decide they don't want to join the church, as if they can avoid the obvious.  They don't want to deal with the idea of a judgement day and the results.  We don't know when judgement day is but we are reminded to always be prepared.  Being prepared means that you understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  That He died to save us from our sins which would be our problem on judgement day, is what you need to know.  This line that follows gives us reassurance.  "The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some think of slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentance." 

On this day
1988  Nicole and I went to Sunday School.  Aaron must have been home with his mom or he would have went also.  Two Sunday School teachers didn't show so I had to take one class into my class and another teacher took the other class in with hers.  We always went to church after with Mom.  Mom came over after church to see the new puppy - Toto.  Then Grandma Luvy came over and then - Andy, Alice and the girls.  Puppies are always cute and he was a great dog.  We decided that the best thing for Nicole, who was terrified of dogs, was to get one for the family and yes, that worked.   Later in the day Nicole and I went to John and Sean's birthday party for pizza and cake.  What a perfect day huh?

1929 - In the U.S., the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged starting the stock-market crash that began the Great Depression.  Because that is what happens after you lose your money - you get depressed.

Honolulu Hawaii

Oceanfront Horseback Rides

Unlike your typical landlocked ranch trail rides, experience unforgettable horseback rides along the breathtaking coast of Oahu’s North Shore with our expert guides! This amazing opportunity to ride the finest polo ponies offers an experience not found anywhere else in Hawaii!
Whether you want to enjoy the scenery or want to learn the art of Polo, we have a package that’s perfect for you. Join us and enjoy the scenic beauty of oceanfront horseback rides along Oahu’s famous North Shore!
"Thank you to Adrian & Alex! Wonderful ride! Right along beach path! I was very happy with their TLC for each one of us. Special thanks to Adrian for your family's help!
Lets Debs B. • Lancaster, CA
"Got to see some beautiful scenery and had a very relaxed ride. Ran across some turtles got tons of great pictures too. The staff was very accommodating knowledgeable and helpful.
Bill A. • TripAdvisor
"I experienced the best trail ride ever at Dillingham with LaTisha as my guide. The views are like none other along the beaches, riding as close to the ocean as the law will allow.
B. P. • Honolulu, HA
Lets do this today!!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

October 22, 2019 Tuesday#Whatdoyoubelieve?#twoyearolds#Princeton#transportation!

Get Faith
11 Peter chapter 2  "But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive opinions."    In the early days of the church there were people who saw the disciples spreading the Gospel and thought it looked like something they could profit from.  There are still those people in the world, it is up to you to take your knowledge seriously, study the Bible and what you know and make good decisions for yourself.  If you find that the information you are getting is less the Bible based and less then God worshiping you might want to consider whether it is what you actually believe.

On this day
1987  It says I cleaned out Nicole's toys.  Now, you know how that goes - as you are getting rid of toys, they have found new interest in the infant chew toy or rattle, and they are 2+ years old, good luck throwing it out.   I'm sure I had better luck cleaning the coat closet next.  In the midst of all that my mom came over with hamburgers for lunch, always welcome, right?  Later in the day my neighbor Linda, who had  a daughter the same age as Nicole, brought over Lady and the Tramp for us to watch.  Let me ask if you have children of that age, how many times have you watched Lady and the Tramp?  This is the night, what a beautiful night........

1746 - The College of New Jersey was officially chartered. It later became known as Princeton University.  Now that is an old college!

Honolulu Hawaii

Modal characteristics[edit]

According to the 2016 American Community Survey (five-year average), 56 percent of Urban Honolulu residents commuted to work by driving alone, 13.8 percent carpooled, 11.7 used public transportation, and 8.7 percent walked. About 5.7 commuted by bike, taxi, motorcycle or other forms of transportation, while 4.1 percent worked at home.[88]
The city of Honolulu has a high percentage of households without a car. In 2015, 16.6 percent of Honolulu households lacked a car, which increased slightly to 17.2 percent in 2016. The national average was 8.7 percent in 2016. Honolulu averaged 1.4 cars per household in 2016, compared to a national average of 1.8.[89]  that kind of makes sense to me.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Katie M. !!

Monday, October 21, 2019

October 21, 2019 Monday #Pathway#Halloweenplay#Getout!#Bicycle!

Get Faith
II Peter chapter 1:5 "....You must make every effort to support you faith with goodness, and goodness with knowledge, and knowledge with self'control, and self-control with endurance, and endurance with godliness, and godliness with mutual affection, and mutual affection with love. "  Sounds like a path to better things to me.

On this day
1986  It was a huge undertaking - getting all the kids in my area of the neighborhood to achieve something together that they couldn't do on a regular basis.  Get along.  Nicole was one and a half, there were 3 or 4 - 4 year old boys, a few girls from 7 to 10 years old and boys from 8 to 12 years old.  We put a play and talent show together for Halloween and worked on it everyday after school the entire month.  Most of them were here all of the time anyway, but getting them to organize was an entirely different thing - but we did.  They did a take on the Headless Horseman story and then it went to a talent show and they all had talent.  The driveway was lined with chairs and the families all came to watch and support.  It was quite an event and very personality revealing.  Video available.

1986 - The U.S. ordered 55 Soviet diplomats to leave. The action was in reaction to the Soviet Union expelling five American diplomats.  That seems reasonable ---or childish.

Honolulu Hawaii

Bicycle sharing[edit]

Since June 28, 2017, Bikeshare Hawaii administers the bicycle sharing program in O'ahu while Secure Bike Share operates the Biki system. Most Biki stations are located between Chinatown/Downtown and Diamond Head, however an expansion in late 2018 added more stations towards the University of Hawai'i Manoa Campus, Kapi'olani Community College, Makiki, and Kalihi area.[84][85][86][87] The website has a Biki stations map.Now this sounds like a grand thing that even I would do if I lived in Hawaii!!  (I think)

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Millie and Linda Z

Friday, October 18, 2019

October 18, 2019 Friday#Loveeveryone#Firstbaby#guilty?#Sportsallyear!

Get Faith
1 Peter  "Above all, maintain constant love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins." 
It is easy to love those we have picked to love, but we are to love that guy on the curb, begging and the girl on the corner who may be soliciting.  We are to love that co-worker that really pisses us off.  The boss that isn't very nice to us, the neighbor whose cat or dog continue to poop in our yard and the politicians that we can't stand the sight or sound of all, fall in this category.  You have your work cut out for you today.

On this day
1985   It was a rainy day but I had errands to run.  I am fortunate that my garage is attached so I didn't have to take my 5 month old Nicole out into the rain to go to three banks.  But then I had to stop at Kroger and shop.  I just recall how stressful it is to take your new baby out in inclement weather, or at night, or alone.... well, it was for me.  I think the second baby is easier, maybe because you have realized your little one survives all these things in better form than you do.  Rain on the face can be a surprising and funny thing to an infant experiencing it for the first time.  I love the memories.

1985 - South African authorities hanged black activist Benjamin Moloise. Moloise had been convicted of murdering a police officer.  This guy was having a worse day, I wonder if he was guilty considering where he was and the times.

Honolulu Hawaii


Honolulu's tropical climate lends itself to year-round activities. In 2004, Men's Fitness magazine named Honolulu the fittest city in the United States.[52] Honolulu has three large road races:
Ironman Hawaiʻi was first held in Honolulu. It was the first ever Ironman triathlon event and is also the world championship.
Fans of spectator sports in Honolulu generally support the footballvolleyballbasketballrugby unionrugby league and baseball programs of the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.[53] High school sporting events, especially football, are especially popular.
Honolulu has no professional sports teams. It was the home of the Hawaiʻi Islanders (Pacific Coast League, 1961–87), The Hawaiians (World Football League, 1974–75), Team Hawaiʻi (North American Soccer League, 1977), and the Hawaiian Islanders (af2, 2002–04).
The NCAA football Hawaiʻi Bowl is played in Honolulu. Honolulu has also hosted the NFL's annual Pro Bowl each February from 1980 to 2009. After the 2010 and 2015 games were played in Miami Gardens and Glendale, respectively, the Pro Bowl was once again in Honolulu from 2011 to 2014 with 2016 the most recent.[54][55] From 1993 to 2008, Honolulu hosted Hawaiʻi Winter Baseball, featuring minor league players from Major League BaseballNippon Professional BaseballKorea Baseball Organization, and independent leagues.
In 2018, the Honolulu Little League team qualified for that year's Little League World Series tournament. The team went undefeated en route to the United States championship game, where it bested Georgia's Peachtree City American Little League team 3-0. In the world championship game, the team faced off against South Korea's South Seoul Little League team. Hawaii pitcher Ka'olu Holt threw a complete game shutout while striking out 8, and Honolulu Little League - again by a score of 3-0 - secured the victory, capturing the 2018 Little League World Series championship as well as Hawaii's third overall title at the Little League World Series.[56]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to John M!!!

Thursday, October 17, 2019

October 17, 2019 Thursday #Goodexample#Worthsaving#VisualArts!

Get Faith
1 Peter chapter 2  "Slaves, accept the authority of your masters with all deference, not only those who are kind and gentle but also those who are harsh."  This goes against all we hear today, to stand up for ourselves and not be subject to people that are not fair or kind.  But God calls us to be an example in the face of hostility, cruelty and ungodliness.  To stand up to it, is not what Jesus would do.  The  kindness, civility, love and compassion we have as Christians can only be learned by showing the world that we don't bow to their standards but uphold that which God has set as an example in His Son, Jesus the Christ.

On this day
1984  I was off work, recuperating from have a lung collapse the previous week.  I was 9 weeks pregnant with Nicole and wouldn't let them give me any pain killers when they did the chest tube.  It had been a very bad night, but we survived to live another day and create beautiful photos by the thousands of her wedding 35 years later.  I had a lot of support in getting by.

1888 - The first issue of "National Geographic Magazine" was released at newsstands.  Imagine!!

Honolulu Hawaii

Visual arts[edit]

Various institutions for the visual arts are located in Honolulu.
The Honolulu Museum of Art is endowed with the largest collection of Asian and Western art in Hawaiʻi. It also has the largest collection of Islamic art, housed at the Shangri La estate. Since the merger of the Honolulu Academy of Arts and The Contemporary Museum, Honolulu (now called the Honolulu Museum of Art Spalding House) in 2011, the museum is also the only contemporary art museum in the state. The contemporary collections are housed at main campus (Spalding House) in Makiki and a multi-level gallery in downtown Honolulu at the First Hawaiian Center. The museum hosts a film and video program dedicated to arthouse and world cinema in the museum's Doris Duke Theatre, named for the museum's historic patroness Doris Duke.[51]
The Hawaiʻi State Art Museum (also downtown) boasts pieces by local artists as well as traditional Hawaiian art. The museum is administered by the Hawaiʻi State Foundation on Culture and the Arts.
Aerial view of Diamond Head
Honolulu also annually holds the Hawaiʻi International Film Festival (HIFF). It showcases some of the best films from producers all across the Pacific Rim and is the largest "East meets West" style film festival of its sort in the United States.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!
Happy Birthday Ruth H!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

October 16, 2019 Wednesday #Youarechosen#Taketimeout#beheaded#Symphony

Get Faith
1 Peter chapter 2  "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."  Have you thought of yourself as chosen, royal, holy and belonging to God?  Well God wants you to know that you are.  The best way to get to realize this and actually feel all of that is to read the word as you would anything else you want to know about.  If you want to be a doctor you study medicine - if you want to be a Christian, you must study the Bible.  It is well worth it.  The perks are great!

On this day
1983  It was a Sunday, a nice fall day to be home alone (it sounded like).  I called a few people that I checked in on, like, Tatjiana and Xana, Pete's mother and grand mother.  It says I sewed and watched TV all day, everyone else was out.  I can remember the days when I was content to relax at home with a project or jig saw puzzle and not be concerned with what I should be doing.  How about you?  Does life have you stressed out?  lol  Of course it does.  Write yourself in some time for yourself and find out how therapeutic it can be.  I will try too.  Sunday is a good time for that.

1793 - During the French Revolution, Queen Marie Antoinette was beheaded after being convicted of treason.  I hope this was more humane than it looked.

Honolulu Hawaii

Performing arts[edit]

Established in 1900, the Honolulu Symphony is the second oldest US symphony orchestra west of the Rocky Mountains. Other classical music ensembles include the Hawaiʻi Opera Theatre. Honolulu is also a center for Hawaiian music. The main music venues include the Hawaiʻi Theatre, the Neal Blaisdell Center Concert Hall and Arena, and the Waikīkī Shell.
Honolulu also includes several venues for live theater, including the Diamond Head Theatre.
The Hawaii Symphony Orchestra, formerly known as Honolulu Symphony Orchestra, was founded in 1900. The symphony is the second oldest orchestra in the USA west of the Rocky Mountains. The symphony now plays at Neal S. Blaisdell Concert Hall in Honolulu.
The orchestra was originally housed in a clubhouse on the slopes of Punchbowl. From 1996 to 2004, the Honolulu Symphony was under the direction of conductor Samuel Wong. In August 2007, Andreas Delfs, current music director of the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, officially became principal conductor of the Honolulu Symphony. He led seven concerts per season in the orchestra's Halekulani Masterworks series.[1] From 2010 to present, JoAnn Falletta has served as the artistic advisor of the Hawaii Symphony Orchestra. Ignace Jang is concertmaster.
Previous music directors included Fritz Hart (1937–49), George Barati (1950-1967), Robert La MarchinaDonald Johanos (1979–94) and JoAnn Falletta (artistic advisor).
In 2014, the Hawaii Symphony Orchestra debuted its popular series musicthatPOPS, featuring Broadway music, Disney in Concert, Cirque de la Symphonie and Zelda in Concert, among others

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!