Monday, October 14, 2019

October 14, 2019 Monday #Availablefaith#Friendsandfamily#phonograph#Economy$$$

Get Faith
1 Peter chapter 1  "Therefore prepare your minds for action,  discipline yourselves; set all your hope on the grace that Jesus Christ will bring you when He is revealed."   When studying any part of the Bible I like to put myself in the time they are in when this letter from Paul to Timothy arrived,  for example.  The only way to hear the Gospel in those days was word of mouth or letters that had to be read by someone who could read.  For hundreds of years it was the only way to get faith.  And the story was relatively new for these people, it hadn't been around for a couple thousand years as we know it.  We are fortunate in being able to join Bible studies and learn this or read it ourselves.  It is so important and yet so many do not take advantage of reading the Bible and preparing their minds for action and hoping for the grace of Jesus Christ.  Let someone know of the availability of faith.

On this day
1981  Chris always took her car into Spence on John R for maintenance and repair, so on this day I picked her up and took her into work with me.  Jim probably drove her home, I had moved to St Clair Shores by then but her and Jim lived close in Birmingham.  Later in the day my brother Mark called to let me know that he had been kicked out of my Mom's house, by her husband - up in Gaylord.  When you get up in the morning you never know what will be on your plate that day.  I pray first thing in the morning now - but I didn't then, maybe I should have.  How do you prepare for the day?

1887 - Thomas Edison and George E. Gouraud reached an agreement for the international marketing rights for the phonograph.  This was the most important thing in the world to me most of my life - even this day in 1981 I went home and played my records.

Honolulu Hawaii


Honolulu viewed from Diamond Head crater
The largest city and airport in the Hawaiian Islands, Honolulu acts as a natural gateway to the islands' large tourism industry, which brings millions of visitors and contributes $10 billion annually to the local economy. Honolulu's location in the Pacific also makes it a large business and trading hub, particularly between the East and the West. Other important aspects of the city's economy include military defense, research and development, and manufacturing.[42]
Among the companies based in Honolulu are:
Hawaiian Airlines,[43] Island Air,[44] and Aloha Air Cargo are headquartered in the city.[45][46] Prior to its dissolution, Aloha Airlines was headquartered in the city.[47] At one time Mid-Pacific Airlines had its headquarters on the property of Honolulu International Airport.[48]
In 2009, Honolulu had a 4.5% increase in the average price of rent, maintaining it in the second most expensive rental market ranking among 210 U.S. metropolitan areas.[49]
Since no national bank chains have any branches in Hawaiʻi, many visitors and new residents use different banks. First Hawaiian Bank is the largest and oldest bank in Hawaiʻi and their headquarters are at the First Hawaiian Center, the tallest building in the State of Hawaiʻi.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Suzanne C!

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