Monday, October 7, 2019

October 7, 2019 Monday #electionprayer#Busyday#footballgame220-0#EarlyHawaii

Get Faith
Psalm 106  "Remember me, O Lord, when you show favor to your people; help me when you deliver them; 
that I may see the prosperity of your chosen ones,
that I may rejoice in the gladness of your nation,
that I may glory in your heritage."
We should all maybe pray this everyday so we remember these words at election time.  I'm not big on making the chosen ones prosper though, I think they should want to do those jobs for love of country.

On this day
1967  When you are 20 you can cram a lot into a day.  I started out the day with a trip to Northland with Waynette.  Grandma and Aunt Ella were at my house for the weekend and we went to the Highlanders for dinner.  When I got home I went out to my boyfriend Don's parent's house and they had a party going, we played a game called passout.  I know what it sounds like but I think it was a card game with his Aunts, Uncles and parents.  Don and I left there stopped at the Clock for something to eat, and then went to the Knights of the Road clubhouse - I got home at 6:30 am.  Like I said I was 20.

1918 - The Georgia Tech football team defeated Cumberland College 222-0. Georgia Tech carried the ball 978 yards and never threw a pass.  That wasn't a game it was a slaughter.  It sais they ran 978 yards and never made a pass.

Honolulu Hawaii

In 1794, Captain William Brown of Great Britain was the first foreigner to sail into what is now Honolulu Harbor.[19] More foreign ships followed, making the port of Honolulu a focal point for merchant ships traveling between North America and Asia.
In 1845, Kamehameha III moved the permanent capital of the Hawaiian Kingdom from Lahaina on Maui to Honolulu. He and the kings that followed him transformed Honolulu into a modern capital,[20] erecting buildings such as St. Andrew's CathedralʻIolani Palace, and Aliʻiōlani Hale. At the same time, Honolulu became the center of commerce in the islands, with descendants of American missionaries establishing major businesses in downtown Honolulu.[21]
  A lot has changed.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Judy and Peggy!!

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