Tuesday, October 29, 2019

October 29, 2019 Tuesday #LoveGod#liveschanging#independentcommonwealth#HULA!!!

Get Faith
1 John Chapter 2  "Do not love the world or the things in the world.....the world and its desire are passing away, but those who do the will of God live forever.."  There is much evil in the world, but I love to look at the beautiful creation that God has made "the earth and everything in it" and know that God loved this world a lot.  I guess I used the past tense wondering if He is still as pleased with it.  If we are so attached to the world and the stuff we have or want, we lose the ability to see the real thing that is important.  God and in his great love for us gave his only son Jesus the Christ to die and save us from our sins that could include loving the world more than God. 

On this day
1999  After a busy week of school and work, we very often had dinner out like this day when we went to Big Boys.  Mom usually joined us but I think Nicole had plans with friends to go to the soccer game with friends, so we were in a hurry, or maybe she had her own plans.   My old friend Pete and I still kept in touch, usually just a phone call.  It was forbidden for him - he was still married.  Mom came over and spent the evening with me which was a good thing.  All of the Big Boys around me are gone now, another icon missing from my past.  I turned the corner on Mack not long ago and immediately noticed that little round guy missing from the front of the restaurant.  It is like losing an old friend.

1652 - The Massachusetts Bay Colony proclaimed itself to be an independent commonwealth.  Imagine, we could have been a continent of all separate countries like Europe - and it could still happen.

Honolulu Hawaii


The original Hula dance originates from Polynesians that voyaged to the Hawaiian Islands. Polynesians landed on the Hawaiian Islands and further developed the native Hula dance. Hula falls into two categories which are Hula Auana and Hula Kahiko. Hula Auana is Hula that was changed by Western influences and performed with musical instruments that don't originate from the Hawaiian Islands. Hula Kahiko is the original Hula dance that was refined before any outside influence.[1] The Merrie Monarch Festival was created to honor King David Kalākaua, who was the last reigning king of Hawaii. He was known for bringing Hula back to the Hawaiian Islands after the United States missionaries arrived.[2] The annual competition held in Hilo brings Hula Halau from all over the world to compete and show their knowledge of Hawaiian culture. The Merrie Monarch festival is nationally televised and teaches people all around the world about Hawaiian culture.
Lets learn how to Hula!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Ashley, Barbara, James and Katie!!

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