Tuesday, October 15, 2019

October 15, 2019 Tuesday#Cleanhouse#FamilytimeinGaylord#CrowIndians#Museumsandgardens

Get Faith
1 Peter 2:1 "Rid rid yourselves, therefore, of all malice, and all guile, insincerity, envy and all slander."    These may or may not be hard to get rid of - do you have malice?   A desire to see others suffer?  Most of us don't, I don't think I know anyone that does.  How about guile? A deceitful, two faced attitude?  If I look deep enough, maybe.  Insincerity?  ummm   How about envy?  Now that I can relate to.  When I see what others have, their house, husband, car or clothes.....maybe that is relateable.  I am not in the habit of bad mouthing anyone, but do we sometime make a slight remark about someone's attitude or ability?  Ok, so maybe I do have some house cleaning - or self cleaning to do.  We are not perfect, but we can try to do better.  It is what God saw in his imperfect creation and saved us from all of these sins by sending Jesus to die for our redemption, but let's all try to do better.

On this day
1982  It was a Friday and after work I called Mom and told her we were coming up.  She lived in Gaylord with her husband Bob in a beautiful home they built on a hill north of Gaylord.  Alice came over with Merri and Lindsey and we drove up, I'm sure the girls slept most of the way, it would have been dark and late when we got up there.  It was Mom and Bob's 10th anniversary.  Not sure this was what they had planned for celebrating but there we were.  Andy must have been up with us too because on Sunday he took the girls on tractor rides.  Maybe he had been up there for hunting already.

1892 - The U.S. government announced that the land in the western Montana was open to settlers. The 1.8 million acres were bought from the Crow Indians for 50 cents per acre.  So about 900,000 for the whole thing?  I wonder what they were able to buy to relocate all of their people, or what was left of them.

Honolulu Hawaii

Natural museums[edit]

The Bishop Museum is the largest of Honolulu's museums. It is endowed with the state's largest collection of natural history specimens and the world's largest collection of Hawaiiana and Pacific culture artifacts.[50] The Honolulu Zoo is the main zoological institution in Hawai'i while the Waikīkī Aquarium is a working marine biology laboratory. The Waikīkī Aquarium is partnered with the University of Hawai'i and other universities worldwide. Established for appreciation and botany, Honolulu is home to several gardens: Foster Botanical GardenLiliʻuokalani Botanical GardenWalker Estate, among others.

Bishop Museum Honolulu Zoo Honolulu Zoo
A lovely view of the magnificent trees towering over Foster Botanical Garden Foster Botanical Gardens.
Let's go!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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