Friday, October 11, 2019

October 11, 2019 Friday #Diedandalive#Changes#Camerafilm?#Paradise

Get Faith
11 Timothy chapter 2  "The saying is sure:
     If we have died with him, we will also live with him;
     If we endure, we will also reign with him;
     If we deny him, he will also deny us;
     if we are faithless, he remains faithful - for he cannot deny himself.
     Remind them of this."
We believe that our old selves, sinful and rejecting our God are dead because Jesus died on the cross and saved us from the sin that made us sinful.  So our new selves, in Jesus Christ will live on with him - forgiven, loved and saved from being faithless and join him in eternity.

On this day
1977  I had just moved into this house I live in and it was quite different than what it is now.  It says I cleaned the leaves off the porch and moved a rose bush.  If you live near me now you know - we don't have any leaves down yet, much like last year.  Global warming is a thing and it is changing our seasons.  Peter finished the bath it says and I know it has been redone twice since then.  When I bought the house it had that pink ceramic tile which is what I think Pete covered up.  I also mention Ziggy the dog I had at that time, he was a cute smart little guy - I have the worse luck with animals.

1881 - David Henderson Houston patented the first roll film for cameras.  Well that is also a thing of the past.

Honolulu Hawaii


Honolulu experiences a Tropical semi-arid climate (Köppen classification BSh), with a mostly dry summer season, due to a rain shadow effect.[30] Temperatures vary little throughout the months, with average high temperatures of 80–90 °F (27–32 °C) and average lows of 65–75 °F (18–24 °C) throughout the year. Temperatures reach or exceed 90 °F (32 °C) on an average 38 days annually,[31][b] with lows in the upper 50s °F (14–15 °C) occurring once or twice a year. The highest recorded temperature was 95 °F (35 °C) on September 19, 1994 and August 31, 2019.[31] On the former date, the highest recorded temperature in the state was also recorded later that day in Niʻihau. The lowest recorded temperature was 52 °F (11 °C) on February 16, 1902, and January 20, 1969.[31] With high temperatures and humidity, there is a vast tropical influence on the climate, although rainfall falls short of that classification.
The annual average rainfall is 17.10 inches (434 millimeters),[31] which mainly occurs during the winter months of October through early April, with very little rainfall during the summer. However, both seasons experience a similar number of rainy days. Light showers occur in summer, while heavier rain falls during winter. Honolulu has an average of 278 sunny days and 90 rainy days per year.
Although the city is situated in the tropics, hurricanes are quite rare. The last recorded hurricane that hit near Honolulu was Category 4 Hurricane Iniki in 1992. Tornadoes are also uncommon and usually strike once every 15 years. Waterspouts off the coast are also uncommon, hitting about once every five years.[32]
Honolulu falls under the USDA 12a Plant Hardiness zone.[33]
The average temperature of the sea ranges from 75.7 °F (24.3 °C) in March to 80.4 °F (26.9 °C) in September.[34]  And that is why it is called paradise!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Marilyn, Lois and Keith

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