Sunday, October 13, 2019

October 13, 2019 Sunday #Faithprotected#different#neighbors#Hawaiianpeople

Get Faith
1 Peter chapter 1 ".....Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ by his great mercy he has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you who are being protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time."  I had to read this a number of times.  First to understand and then to grasp the meaning of these wonderful words.  What a promise we have.  Go ahead read it again.

On this day
1980  It was a different time than today.  For a change Christine took this day off - a Monday, that was usually my trick.  I was trying to reconcile my friends Charley and Robin (I was a marriage counselor back then, lol).  I stopped by and dropped off cigarettes to my brother Mark (they were only $10.00 a carton then).  I know!  I shouldn't have but like I said it was a different time.  I got home and made stuffed cabbage, not something I did often and then cleaned the dining room.  It was my pre-fire house - everything is different.  It seemed like normal then.  How about you?  What was your life like in 1980?

1812 - American forces were defeated at the Battle of Queenstown Heights. The British victory effectively ended any further U.S. invasion of Canada.  Good!

Honolulu Hawaii
The population of Honolulu was 390,738 according to the 2010 U.S. Census. Of those, 192,781 (49.3%) were male and 197,957 (50.7%) were female. The median age for males was 40.0 and 43.0 for females; the overall median age was 41.3. Approximately 84.7% of the total population was 16 years and over; 82.6% were 18 years and over, 78.8% were 21 years and over, 21.4% were 62 years and over, and 17.8% were 65 years and over.[10]
In terms of race and ethnicity, 54.8% were Asian, 17.9% were White, 1.5% were Black or African American, 0.2% were American Indian or Alaska Native, 8.4% were Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, 0.8% were from "some other race", and 16.3% were from two or more races. Hispanics and Latinos of any race made up 5.4% of the population.[10] In 1970, the Census Bureau reported Honolulu's population as 33.9% white and 53.7% Asian and Pacific Islander.[41]
Asian Americans represent the majority of Honolulu's population. The Asian ethnic groups are Japanese (19.9%), Filipinos (13.2%), Chinese (10.4%), Koreans (4.3%), Vietnamese (2.0%), Asian Indians (0.3%), Laotians (0.3%), Thais (0.2%), Cambodians (0.1%), and Indonesians (0.1%). People solely of Native Hawaiian ancestry made up 3.2% of the population. Samoan Americans made up 1.5% of the population, Marshallese people make up 0.5% of the city's population, and Tongan people comprise 0.3% of its population. People of Guamanian or Chamorro descent made up 0.2% of the population and numbered 841 residents.[10]
Honolulu's urban area was the fourth densest[8] in the United States according to the 2010 U.S. Census.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Pastor Lindsey!!

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