Thursday, October 17, 2019

October 17, 2019 Thursday #Goodexample#Worthsaving#VisualArts!

Get Faith
1 Peter chapter 2  "Slaves, accept the authority of your masters with all deference, not only those who are kind and gentle but also those who are harsh."  This goes against all we hear today, to stand up for ourselves and not be subject to people that are not fair or kind.  But God calls us to be an example in the face of hostility, cruelty and ungodliness.  To stand up to it, is not what Jesus would do.  The  kindness, civility, love and compassion we have as Christians can only be learned by showing the world that we don't bow to their standards but uphold that which God has set as an example in His Son, Jesus the Christ.

On this day
1984  I was off work, recuperating from have a lung collapse the previous week.  I was 9 weeks pregnant with Nicole and wouldn't let them give me any pain killers when they did the chest tube.  It had been a very bad night, but we survived to live another day and create beautiful photos by the thousands of her wedding 35 years later.  I had a lot of support in getting by.

1888 - The first issue of "National Geographic Magazine" was released at newsstands.  Imagine!!

Honolulu Hawaii

Visual arts[edit]

Various institutions for the visual arts are located in Honolulu.
The Honolulu Museum of Art is endowed with the largest collection of Asian and Western art in Hawaiʻi. It also has the largest collection of Islamic art, housed at the Shangri La estate. Since the merger of the Honolulu Academy of Arts and The Contemporary Museum, Honolulu (now called the Honolulu Museum of Art Spalding House) in 2011, the museum is also the only contemporary art museum in the state. The contemporary collections are housed at main campus (Spalding House) in Makiki and a multi-level gallery in downtown Honolulu at the First Hawaiian Center. The museum hosts a film and video program dedicated to arthouse and world cinema in the museum's Doris Duke Theatre, named for the museum's historic patroness Doris Duke.[51]
The Hawaiʻi State Art Museum (also downtown) boasts pieces by local artists as well as traditional Hawaiian art. The museum is administered by the Hawaiʻi State Foundation on Culture and the Arts.
Aerial view of Diamond Head
Honolulu also annually holds the Hawaiʻi International Film Festival (HIFF). It showcases some of the best films from producers all across the Pacific Rim and is the largest "East meets West" style film festival of its sort in the United States.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!
Happy Birthday Ruth H!

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