Thursday, October 31, 2019

October 31, 2019 Thursday#Lovecommunity#Halloweenprank!#Thinmints#Sailing~~

Get Faith
1 John chapter 5  "By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments."  Being a child of God has it's rules.  We try to live a life that God wants us to in obeying those commandments that we know to be true.  We all fall short of living a Godly life and that is why He has forgiven us through Jesus Christ.  Love is the response we show each other in knowing that we are community - which is, loved, cherished,forgiven, saved and taken home by our God.  To show our love to God we love each other and all our faults in community.

On this day
2002  Nicole had a half day of school.  I on the other hand had a full day of work and picked up pizza for the concession stand for the basketball game that evening.  It was a momentous night for a couple reasons.  They were playing one of the other St Clair Shores schools so there was a lot of competition there.  Lakeshore also included some girls Nicole had played softball with.  One of the Mom's on our team put candy bags together for the girls because it was Halloween.  The other team was super surprised that they got one too.  We also had cider, donuts and cake - after all they were still kids.  The topper of the evening was the payback that Nicole got when she discovered upon leaving that her car had been wrapped with plastic all around.  The prankster got pranked by the Athletic Director.
Happy Halloween!

1860 - Juliette Low, the founder off the Girl Scouts, was born.  I think we should all have a cookie!!

From Honolulu to Itagua Columbia
We will have to fly or sail on a southeast course to arrive at our next destination in Columbia.  Enjoy your trip!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Claudia!!

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