Wednesday, October 23, 2019

October 23, 2019 Wednesday #Savedfromjudgement#newpuppyToto#Crash#Horsebackriding!

Get Faith
II Peter chapter 3  "But by the same word the present heavens and earth have been reserved for fire, being kept until the day of judgement and destruction of the godless."  This one thought might be why many people decide they don't want to join the church, as if they can avoid the obvious.  They don't want to deal with the idea of a judgement day and the results.  We don't know when judgement day is but we are reminded to always be prepared.  Being prepared means that you understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  That He died to save us from our sins which would be our problem on judgement day, is what you need to know.  This line that follows gives us reassurance.  "The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some think of slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentance." 

On this day
1988  Nicole and I went to Sunday School.  Aaron must have been home with his mom or he would have went also.  Two Sunday School teachers didn't show so I had to take one class into my class and another teacher took the other class in with hers.  We always went to church after with Mom.  Mom came over after church to see the new puppy - Toto.  Then Grandma Luvy came over and then - Andy, Alice and the girls.  Puppies are always cute and he was a great dog.  We decided that the best thing for Nicole, who was terrified of dogs, was to get one for the family and yes, that worked.   Later in the day Nicole and I went to John and Sean's birthday party for pizza and cake.  What a perfect day huh?

1929 - In the U.S., the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged starting the stock-market crash that began the Great Depression.  Because that is what happens after you lose your money - you get depressed.

Honolulu Hawaii

Oceanfront Horseback Rides

Unlike your typical landlocked ranch trail rides, experience unforgettable horseback rides along the breathtaking coast of Oahu’s North Shore with our expert guides! This amazing opportunity to ride the finest polo ponies offers an experience not found anywhere else in Hawaii!
Whether you want to enjoy the scenery or want to learn the art of Polo, we have a package that’s perfect for you. Join us and enjoy the scenic beauty of oceanfront horseback rides along Oahu’s famous North Shore!
"Thank you to Adrian & Alex! Wonderful ride! Right along beach path! I was very happy with their TLC for each one of us. Special thanks to Adrian for your family's help!
Lets Debs B. • Lancaster, CA
"Got to see some beautiful scenery and had a very relaxed ride. Ran across some turtles got tons of great pictures too. The staff was very accommodating knowledgeable and helpful.
Bill A. • TripAdvisor
"I experienced the best trail ride ever at Dillingham with LaTisha as my guide. The views are like none other along the beaches, riding as close to the ocean as the law will allow.
B. P. • Honolulu, HA
Lets do this today!!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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