Saturday, October 26, 2019

October 26, 2019 Saturday #Thefaithful#busylives#ohthosepoliticians#Snorkelfest!

Get Faith
Jude 20  "But you, beloved, build yourselves up on your most holy faith, pray in the Holy spirit: keep yourselves in the love of God....."  We all pray for you because you are God's beloved child, promised to Him in your baptism and held firmly in his gaze for your life.  We want you to build on your faith so that you know who you are in the family of the faithful, that you are cared for and needed to also strengthen us.  We will pray for you always and wish that you would join in our prayers to God and also pray for us.  We remember that we are all held in His love forever and want you to be also.

On this day
1991  It was a Monday and Nicole went to school.  One of her grandma's came after school to bring her home and stay with her.  We were a helicopter family you might say.   I was working for Quality on this day at the Birmingham Frames and Framing store.  I really enjoyed being in the store alone all day.  The solitude and the artwork were a peaceful happy place for me.  I loved to dust and straighten and move things around so that they might catch more attention in a different place and light.  I admit that I was not good at mat or glass cutting but could get by in a pinch.  I loved designing the framing with customers who came in with their own artwork - needlepoint's or photos' etc.    When I got home Nicole and I went to choir practice together at St Paul's.  Mark worked a lot of hours at the boat store and wasn't home much, we made our own lives.

1991 - Former Washington Mayor Marion Barry arrived at a federal correctional institution in Petersburg, VA, to begin serving a six-month sentence for cocaine possession.  gotta love those politicians!!!

Honolulu Hawaii

About Snorkelfest Snorkel Hanauma Bay
We are a small family company that provides transportation, a driving tour, and all the information and snorkeling equipment you need to have a spectacular day enjoying one of Hawaii's most visited natural attractions-Hanauma Bay! You will be able to enjoy 2 1/2-3 self-directed hours swimming with an abundance of beautiful, colorful fish and maybe a turtle or two. Our priority is your experience so we are committed to providing the highest quality service and equipment!  Let's go!!!!!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Nicky and Michelle!

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