Wednesday, October 9, 2019

October 9, 2019 Friday #Faithful#WorldofDecor#Lastbattle#Tourism

Get Faith
The theme from today for the study "God promises that if we are obedient and faithful to him, we will see the results of that faithfulness in our children."  Dear parents you cannot drop your children off at Sunday School and go back home.  It doesn't work that way.  They must see that the time you spend with God (usually 1 hour a week) is meaningful to you or it will not be meaningful to them.  The church is God's family on earth - not perfect, often quirky-but family important enough to spend time with. 

On this day
1974  After working at Quality I went over to my Mom's in Royal Oak and set up my 400 LBS of  items from World of Decor.  I had started doing these parties and it was going so well that I had people working for me and I bought a brand new car.  It was mostly wrought iron - wine racks, plant holders, misc table decor and all very popular.  Mexican imports for the most part.  It was a tough job from the point of how heavy the samples were to lug in and out.  But worth it.

1781 - The last major battle of the American Revolutionary War took place in Yorktown, VA. The American forces, led by George Washington, defeated the British troops under Lord Cornwallis. Our history lessons are all  about war it seems.

Honolulu Hawaii
An economic and tourism boom following statehood brought rapid economic growth to Honolulu and Hawaiʻi. Modern air travel brings, as of 2007, 7.6 million visitors annually to the islands, with 62.3% entering at Honolulu International Airport.[23] Today, Honolulu is a modern city with numerous high-rise buildings, and Waikīkī is the center of the tourism industry in Hawaiʻi, with thousands of hotel rooms. The UK consulting firm Mercer, in a 2009 assessment "conducted to help governments and major companies place employees on international assignments", ranked Honolulu 29th worldwide in quality of living; the survey factored in political stabilitypersonal freedom, sanitation, crime, housing, the natural environment, recreation, banking facilities, availability of consumer goods, education, and public services including transportation.[24]  sounds idyllic.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Cheryl!

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