Sunday, August 17, 2014

Auguat 16, 2014 Saturday

Walked today, nice day for it, a little chilly so you walk faster to get home to that coffee.

2 Corinthians chapter 5 -  About, "God reconciled himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. "  Just a little hitch there.  Because you have been forgiven and have a new relationship with God, you should be happy enough about that to share it with someone else.  "Good news kept silent is no news at all."

On this day:
1977 - Elvis died.  If you are from that era, you know what a huge news item that was.  Even bigger then losing Robin Williams this week.  Elvis is still immortalized in a lot of places by a lot of people.
1829 - The "Siamese twins," Chang and Eng Bunker, arrived in Boston, MA. They had come to the Western world to be exhibited. They were 18 years old and joined at the waist. The media still feeds the public with all kinds of things, good and bad, mostly bad I'm thinking.

Parenting - I would have to believe that  publicity probably kept these twins alive and well fed for many years.  It seems like in China they would not have much of a future.  Some parents will go to the ends of the earth for their children and others, not so much.  For those of us that love our children seeing stories of abuse and neglect raises a host of emotions.  I have never heard of these men, Chang and Eng, but I would hope they had some joy and love in their lives.

Book Club - Drums of Autumn by Diana Gabaldon.  If I start this my entire life goes on hold.  Decisions - decisions.

Cairo Egypt -
Sufi dancing - Wikala Al Ghuri

Most Viewed Things to Do in Cairo

  • 1. Egyptian Museum

    Apart from the no photography thing, which in many ways I can understand, I found the museum un kempt, ill labled, and dirty. The 2 exceptions to this were the Tutankhamun section and the royal...
  • 2. Khan el Khalili

    4.5 out of 5 stars
    If you are acquainted with souks and bargainning, this may be just one more commercial area. But if you want to feel the pulse of arab deals and feel the real Cairo you must not skip this famous...
  • 3. Gizeh Pyramids

    Everybody has a good image of what drags millions to Cairo - the pyramids; Everybody knows that they are extremely big; Anyway, everybody gets surprised when trying to make a picture of them and, even...
  • 4. Citadel

    4.5 out of 5 stars
    One of the highest points in a plane city, this is the best place to have a general look over town. Looking closer, the military constructions and specially the alabaster mosque have some precious...
  • 5. Coptic Cairo

    the Coptic Quarter of Cairo is one of the oldest in the city and is part of Old Cairo as it was started in the 1rst Century, when Saint Mark the Apostle went into egpyt to Prosletyze the new Religion...
  • 6. River Nile

    This will be a night views while cruising along the mighty Nile River, the cradle of Egytian Civilization, with pictures of various scenes along this river of life of egypt as the scenery is more...
  • 7. Tower

    4 out of 5 stars
    the Cairo Tower, located along the Gezira Island along the Nile River, is near downtown cairo and is an attraction in itself. The tower was completed in 1961 with a height of 187 meters (614 feet) and...
  • 8. Coptic Cairo - Hanging Church

    part two of my tips with pictures inside the hanging church. i will have separate pictures on the foundations of the church facing the babylon fortress. the hanging church of Cairo is so named as the...
  • 9. Sakkara : Step Pyramid

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  • 10. Christian Cairo

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  • 11. Whirling Dervishes

    Egyptian Tanoura Show is different from the Turkish Whirling Dervishes! The Tanoura Show originated in egypt and is usually performed by Egyptian Sufi Muslims and the Tanoura is similar to the...
  • 12. Mohammed Ali Mosque

    4.5 out of 5 stars
    On the south side of the main courtyard of the citadel we find the Mohamed Ali mosque, which is also known as the alabaster mosque, this is definitely one of the citadel main attractions. It was begun...
  • 13. Memphis

    4 out of 5 stars
    There are no signs of the old Memphis, except the archaeological remains collected in this museum. Far from the dense richness of Cairo's museum, the facts that it is mainly an open air museum, and...
  • 14. Al Azhar Park

    4.5 out of 5 stars
    We walked from the city of the dead to the nearby Al Azhar Park -- from dust to grass. Not very far, about 15 minutes. After getting tired of the bustling and exhausting city tours, it's really a...
  • 15. Al Azhar Mosque

    4.5 out of 5 stars
    Al-Azhar is one of Cairo's most historic places. It is a mosque, university and cultural center. Built by Gawhar Al-Sikilly, Al Azhar was the first mosque in the Fatimid Cairo. Construction started in...
  • 16. Ibn Tulun Mosque

    4.5 out of 5 stars
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  • 17. Islamic Cairo

    4.5 out of 5 stars
    Islamic Cairo, often referred to as Fatimid Cairo, is extremely fascinating, as this part of the city has changed little in perhaps 500 years. It was the centre of Cairo for 8 centuries, from its...
  • 18. Pharaonic Village

    I think that the idea of the village is good however the execution is weak. It is a purely commercial project where you feel exploited with the guides trying to push you to spend money on food or...
  • 19. Al Hussein Mosque

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  • 20. The Sphinx

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  • 21. Coptic Cairo - Church of St George

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  • 22. Coptic Cairo - Babylon Fortress

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  • 23. Coptic Cairo - Abu Serga-St. Sergius Church

    part two of my tips with pictures inside as I used my Iphone with no flash to take a picture inside secretly as no photos are allowed inside. For the Christian Pilgrims like us who are on a holyland...
  • 24. Coptic Cairo - Ben Ezra Synagogue

    4 out of 5 stars
    The Ben Ezra Synagogue was formerly a Coptic Church in the Coptic Quarter but the Coptic Christians were forced to sell it to a rich Egyptian Jew at the Time to pay for the Jizya (tax on Non Muslims)...
  • 25. Belly Dance

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Comments (1)

  • sharatkum's Profile Photo
    Nov 24, 2012 at 4:57 AM
    This is the best time to visit Egypt. Got back from there after a wonderful holidays. Don't believe the media and the travel advisory.

Cairo Things to Do

Reviews and photos of Cairo things to do posted by real travelers and locals. The best tips for Cairo sightseeing.



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