Tuesday, August 12, 2014

August 12, 2014 Tuesday

Spent the night wondering if I had to build an ark.  The street was dry when I finally fell asleep.

2 Timothy chapter 2 - We are to be Christ like.  Humble and serving our neighbors is what we are called to do.  I will bet you do more serving then you are aware of.  "Give me the grace to humble myself and serve others." Amen.

On this day:
2010 - Alice and I were in Traverse City with Andy.  He had Prostrate cancer and had surgery.  He was soooo anxious to get out of the hospital and go home.
1865 - Disinfectant was used for the first time during surgery by Joseph Lister. Glad about this, thanks Lister.

Family - The doctor was pretty adamant that Andy should have his prostrate removed to save him from the cancer.  Andy and Alice really researched this and decided it was the right thing to do.  They feel differently now, but its obviously too late.  This is apparently a very slow moving cancer and other things will probably kill you before this does.  Make this choice with care if faced with it.

Book Club - The Voyager by Diana Gabaldon.  The book is rightly named.  On a ship bound for Jamaica, Claire is commandeered off the ship with Jamie to help a British ship  with sailors struck with Typhoid fever.  What else can happen to this woman?

Cairo Egypt - a little more history:
Throughout ancient times, Egypt has been one of the most important trade routes for the world and so it was from that, just as the archaic cities which proceeded Fustat, this new city also prospered from all manner of goods which where transshipped to wealthy markets in Europe. They also developed their own markets in spices, textiles and perfumes which were legendary throughout the world. Beginning as a haphazard conglomeration of tents and huts, Fustat grew into a sophisticated commercial center where its residents enjoyed great wealth. They built high rise houses with rooftop gardens, public baths modeled from the Romans (but smaller, earning the name al-hammamat al-far, or mouse baths). Their architecture grew in both splendor and magnitude, and they even built covered streets to protect themselves from the sun.

Read more: http://www.touregypt.net/cairo/cairohistory.htm#ixzz3ABiydSaO

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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