Wednesday, August 27, 2014

August 27, 2014 Wednesday

Did 12 exercises on a sheet my physical therapist gave me.  They include plank, downward facing dog and triangle poses.  One that has you with your toes on something 3" high and heals on the floor.  Hold for 30 seconds, do 5 reps.  Try it. It really stretches out the calf muscles, feels great!

1 Kings chapter 19 - Elijah is still trying to escape the King.  He sat under a broom bush and fell asleep.  An angel woke him up and gave him food.  Twice.  We are naysayers aren't we?  Did he not care that an angel was taking care of him?  Was his desire to die that strong that he ignored an angel of God that brought him food?  How defiant are you about going down a destructive path?

On this day:
1990 - Nicole had her last day of bumper bowling.  She was 5 at the time and always at Grandma's that day because I worked that day, so I never got to see the league play.  I always heard from grandma how good she was though.  The next day was the end of the bowling banquet.  I got to go to that.
1990 - The U.S. State Department ordered the expulsion of 36 Iraqi diplomats. This had already started I guess.  Hmm who was president then?  George HW Bush. 

Parenting -  Who teaches their 9 year old daughter to shoot an oozie? spl

Book club - Drums of Autumn - by Diana Gabaldon.  Brianna, Jamie and Clair's daughter has gone through the stones, back in time 200 years to find her parents.

Cairo Egypt - How to celebrate?

Traditional Egyptian Cuisine
One traditional meal is the kebob. Kebobs have become extremely popular, and have morphed, in the past fifty years. The traditional kebob is a skewer filled with meat and vegetables. Now kebobs are made from just about anything, from fruit and nuts to fish and desserts. Kebobs can be found at many roadside stands, and in a number of restaurants, as well.  ah ha!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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