Sunday, August 31, 2014

August 31, 2014 Sunday

Pastor Beebe's sermon was about Peter or Simon Peter being called the rock by Jesus, and then he turned around and called him a stumbling stone.  We all make mistakes but will all be glorified because Jesus has bought our forgiveness through his death on the cross.

On this day:
1997 - Took Nicole and Jamie downtown to the Jazz Fest.  I must have bribed them, but I get desperate to go to the Jazz festival.. oh I see here at the bottom, I bought them Travis burgers for dinner.  That's how I got them to go.

 1887 - The kinetoscope was patented by Thomas Edison. The device was used to produce moving pictures. Who is spending this holiday weekend watching a marathon of movies?  Thank that guy.

Parenting - We have all forced our kids to go or do something they don't want to. Hey!  Our parents did it to us.  It prepares you in life to learn that sometimes you have to go with the program, until you are the one in charge of the program.  Then you still have to do things you might not want to.  Guess there wasn't really a lesson here.

Book Club - Drums of Autumn by Diana Gabaldon.  I really want to see this TV series now that I am on the last 100 pages of this book, which is the 4th in the series.  She writes to the end, the suspense is still there.

Cairo Egypt - Last day here - pack up and get ready to go to Damascus Syria.  I know they are a hellhole right now, but I think it is important to know your enemies, be nice so you can pour hot coals on their heads.  (Read the Bible for explanation)  Serious history here.  Aren't you glad it is just on line travel?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Grandma, you would have been 139 today.

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