Monday, August 11, 2014

August 11, 2014 Monday

Back to the schedule... Denise and I doing some salsa dancing.  Remember if you rest you rust.

Mark chapter 12 - The Greatest Commandment.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.  The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself.  Three is no commandment greater than these.  enough said.

On this day -
2005 - My new neighbor, across the street came over to visit.  He and his wife have been great neighbors.  We socialize at BBQ's, Christmas etc.  Ty will come over and sit in the yard with me and we can talk for hours.  I didn't realize it has been 9 years since they moved in.  I have great neighbors all around.  How do you like your neighbors?  (see above)
1990 - Egyptian and Moroccan troops joined U.S. forces in Saudia Arabia to help protect from a possible Iraqi attack.  Because they are neighbors.

Parenting - My neighbor, Barb, took her 2 teenage sons to get a haircut yesterday and then spent the day with them at the city pool.  Single parents, that work, have less opportunity to spend with their kids, less if they are Mom and boys, less if the boys are teenager, and even less if they just got back from a week of camp.  My congratulations to Barb. Oh! Then she made the oldest boy BBQ dinner for them. (He loves to cook).  Good parenting!!!

Book Club - The Voyager by Diana Gabaldon.  Jamie sent his nephew out to a rocky formation in the north sea, in October, to fetch some gold from a steel box, hidden there.  A small boat appeared, took the box and nephew Ian and sailed away on a pirate?  ship?  What else can happen?  Quite an action packed thriller, hard to put down.

Cairo Egypt -
In 525 BC, the invading Persians conquered Egypt and built a strategic fort north of Memphis called Babylon-on-the-Nile. This was where the Persians controlled Egypt until its capture by Alexander in 332 BC. During the Greek period, the fort in Cairo held little importance, but after the Roman conquest, it regained prominence as a stronghold because of its strategic location guarding the Roman trade routes. The Roman general Trajan repaired the old Red Sea Canal, originally built by the pharaohs, which allowed vessels to sail up the Red Sea, turn west toward Babylon, and then down the Nile to the Mediterranean.  As I said there is unending history for this place.  But very interesting.

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Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Love you Nicole!

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