Friday, August 1, 2014

August 1, 2014 Friday

Did some dancing with Rita today.  A little Rhumba and Samba never hurt anyone and it makes my wrists thin.

Psalm 59 - This writer (David) was trusting in God to deliver him from his enemies.  Do you have the confidence that David had?  You should.  vs 17 you are my strength, I sing praise to you, you God are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely.

On this day:
2009 - My friends that I do on line traveling with went to the Scottish Highland Games over at Greenmead in Livonia.  I love sharing this part of my heritage with anyone I can.  I also love seeing men in kilts throwing the caber and then of course there is haggis, I love haggis, oh and of course there is the beer tent.  AND the pipes.  I am going tomorrow and so can you!  Go on line to St Andrews Society and you can find out all about it.
1936 - Adolf Hitler presided over the Olympic games as they opened in Berlin. How terrible does that sound?

Parenting - I think it is important to give your children a sense of their heritage.  Not like the Godfather type thing, or the Greek wedding type situation, but at least an idea of their historical background. 

Book Club - Voyager by Diana Gabaldon.  deeply enmeshed in this now.  Great Scottish imagery!

Travel - We have moved from Bucharest to Cairo Egypt fellow cyber travelers.  Go see the pyramids!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!   Happy Birthday Nan.

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