Tuesday, August 5, 2014

August 5, 2014 Tuesday

Walked a mile and a half this morning.. short bursts, up and down stairs, hurry to get broom. etc at VBS.

1 Kings chapter 17 - about Elijah having to tell King Ahab there was going to be a drought because he had been bad and then running like hell to get away from him.  God sent ravens, with food, to feed him and then a widow woman, who was planning on one last loaf of bread and then lying down to die with her son.  God sustained them all, as he does us.  Watch for your raven today.

On this day:
1990 - I took Aaron and Nicole to the Highland Games down at Fort Wayne, in Detroit. I don't think they were held there very long, we only went to that site one time.  The kids, Aaron especially, enjoyed it.  I think the rugby game held his attention the best.  You don't see too much rugby around.  Nicole has some friends from college that play. 
1990 - U.S. President George H.W. Bush angrily denounced the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. Not gonna lie  he had it in for this guy.  (Sadam)

Parenting - I don't think I would have encouraged Aaron to play rugby.  It is a pretty rough game.  The same way I didn't encourage Nicole to play football or hockey, although she wanted to.  I admit, that I didn't allow them to make those decisions for themselves.  (not on my watch).

Book Club - Voyager by Diana Gabaldon.  I could just lay around reading this book all day.  Jamie has been released from servitude by the family he is working for.  He (unknown to them) had fathered a child with their daughter and then shot her husband on the birth of the child, (after the young mother died).  Which left the vast fortunes to his son and the grandparents.  Ah, the plot thickens.

Cairo Egypt:
Cairo has the oldest and largest film and music industries in the Arab world, as well as the world's second-oldest institution of higher learning, al-Azhar University. Many international media, businesses, and organizations have regional headquarters in the city; the Arab League has had its headquarters in Cairo for most of its existence.
With a population of 6.76 million[7] spread over 453 square kilometers (175 sq mi), Cairo is by far the largest city in Egypt. With an additional 10 million inhabitants just outside the city, Cairo resides at the center of the largest metropolitan area in Africa and the Arab World as well as the tenth-largest urban area in the world.[citation needed] Cairo, like many other mega-cities, suffers from high levels of pollution and traffic. Cairo's metro, one of only two metros on the African continent, ranks among the fifteen busiest in the world,[8] with over 1 billion[9] annual passenger rides. The economy of Cairo was ranked first in the Middle East[10] and 43rd globally by Foreign Policy's 2010 Global Cities Index.[11]  Don't drink the water!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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