Wednesday, August 13, 2014

August 13, 2014 Wednesday

Interval training with Denise.  Three minutes of aerobics and 1 minute of weight training.  Not one of my better days.

Acts chapter 6 -  The beginning of the church was rough.  When you have a lot of people starting up something, well, you get a lot of different ideas.  They selected 7 disciples to set things straight, which still didn't go to well, but the Holy Spirit go involved and it went better.  The churches have not changed, we still need the Spirit when making decisions.

On this day:
2011 -- My life has revolved a lot around the church and the youth since my daughter came along.  On this day, Adam and Janet were married and Nicole and Michelle came home from Chicago where they lived to attend the wedding.  Between the service at church and the reception, quite a few of the young people that had been counselors at camp came here to waste a little time and share some extra time together.  They were such a close knit group, full of the spirit.

1961 - Berlin was divided by a barbed wire fence to halt the flight of refugees. Two days later work on the Berlin Wall began.  What do you think?  Keep them in/keep them out?

Parenting - Not ever having been in this situation I cannot imagine sending my child on a thousands of miles trek to enter a country they are not welcome in.  How bad is it in Central America?  We should possibly look into doing more to improve conditions there. (I am talking about the church).  WE talk about the Americans being the saviors of the world, but I think it is because they have been traditionally Christian.  What do you think?

Book Club - The Voyager by Diana Gabaldon .  Now in Jamaica, Claire gets upset at a slave auction and ends up buying a large, one armed slave.  Now what to do?  She doesn't believe in slavery, but can't turn him loose, he has no where to go.

Cairo Egypt -
Question: Is it Safe to Travel to Egypt?
Health and safety information for visitors planning to travel to Egypt. Find out if there are current travel warnings for Egypt, basic safety tips and information, health tips, and information for women planning to travel alone to Egypt.
Answer: In January 2011, Egypt went through a political revolution that seriously affected tourism in the country. By the end of April 2011, the US Department of State had downgraded its "travel warning" to a "travel alert" and most of the tourist destinations within Egypt are again considered safe to visit. However, the one year anniversary of the revolution in January 2012, brought a lot of protesters back on the streets, disappointed with the lack of real progress. A tragedy at a soccer match early February (2012) in Port Said added some fuel to the flames, and once again the capital was unstable. By May 2012, more people died in central Cairo after clashing with the police. In November 2012 more clashes involving the government and anti-Muslim Brotherhood (the current President's party) escalated into violent scenes in Cairo and Alexandria. In July 2013, the army stepped in and ousted President Mursi, and the US Department of State issued a travel warning warning all its citizens against traveling to Egypt. Please check your local government information, and the news, for the latest updates before you plan your trip. And note that the US Department of State does not like to issue any travel alert or warning for Egypt, even if the situation gets quite bad, so use your own good instincts as well. So if they do issue a warning, you know it is very serious!
Is it Safe to Visit Egypt After the 2011 Revolution?
As is often the case, most of the violent action takes place in the cities, and Egypt's capital Cairo was no exception in January 2011. But it's hard to avoid Cairo when you visit Egypt, since the pyramids are there as well as the wonderful Egyptian Musuem. Check current news reports before you plan your Cairo portion of the trip, just to be sure it's OK to visit the sights without fear of running into a demonstration. Things were hotting up again in July, 2013 and a Travel Warning was issued by the US dept of State.
Many of Egypt's top attractions lie to the south and along the banks of the Nile between Aswan and Luxor, and are likely to remain peaceful as they largely were during the height of the revolution. For those heading for a beach holiday along the Red Sea coast, again, this area was not heavily affected by the political events, and is considered safe for tourists to return to.   It isn't the same, but traveling on the internet seems a lot safer.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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