Saturday, August 23, 2014

August 23, 2014 Saturday

Slept in, ahhhh.  Going for a walk for sure later.

Matthew  chapter 5 - Blessed are you who are persecuted in my name, Jesus says.  And the answer to this is to share the light that he gives us with those who live in the dark.  Random acts of kindness today.  Try it.

On this day:
2006 - My bosses girlfriend got word that her son that lived in Florida had commited suicide.  He was a very successful day trader, with a beautiful home, he was young, single and extremely good looking.  What is important enough in our lives to keep us from doing that?  In the face of Robin Williams, what thread connects those who make this decision.  I know depression, which is caused by any number of things, including drug and alcohol abuse is a big factor. Is that the cause or a by-product?  Sad.

  1858 - "Ten Nights in a Barroom" opened in New York City at the National Theater. It was a melodrama about the evils of drinking  maybe they need to bring this back?

Parenting - Out to dinner last night with Don, we had a group at the next table with a 6 month old baby girl.  The 2 couples were the babies grandparents.  Now that was a doted on baby.  While Don and I talked I could feel someone looking at me and here it was little Ella Jean, the baby.  Of course I made baby small talk and laughed with her and she responded every time with a head back, open mouth smile, which delighted her grandparents and Don and I as well.  A real crowd pleaser.  Nothing like a baby to make your day.

Book Club - Drums of Autumn by Diana Gabaldon.  Clair and Jamie finally meet wild Indians, and a bear.

Cairo Egypt -  lets see what else they have:
Ful Medames, one of Egypt's national dishes, served with sliced eggs and vegetables.
Location of Egypt
The history of Egyptian cuisine begins with Ancient Egypt. Archaeological excavations have revealed that workers on the Great Pyramids of Giza were paid in bread, beer, and onions,[citation needed] apparently their customary diet as peasants in the Egyptian countryside. Dental analysis and the desiccated loaves occasionally found in excavated tombs confirm this, in addition to indicating that ancient Egyptian bread was made with flour from emmer wheat. Beer disappeared as a mainstay of Egyptian life at some point following the Muslim conquest of Egypt in the year 641, but onions remain the primary vegetable for flavoring and nutrition in Egyptian food. Beans, particularly fava beans, were also a primary source of protein for the mass of the Egyptian populace, and remain so today.
Egyptian cuisine is notably conducive to vegetarian diets, as it relies heavily on vegetable dishes. Although food in Alexandria and on the Egyptian coast tends to use a great deal of fish and other seafood, for the most part Egyptian cuisine is based on foods that grow out of the ground. Meat has been very expensive for most Egyptians throughout history, and many vegetarian dishes have developed to work around this economic reality.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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