Thursday, August 21, 2014

August 21, 2014 Thursday

Weight training with Denise this morning.  "Use it or lose it"  "If you rest you rust"  are her stock remarks.

Hebrews chapter 10:  persevere in faith.  We are not faced with the persecution in this country, but there are some in this world who are still dying for their faith - Christians and others a like.  They can take your life and your possessions but don't let them take your faith, be confident.  There are plenty of things that are stealing faith all around you, don't fall for it.  God loves you.

On this day;
2003 - Nicole spent the day with her friend Laura, then everyone came here for pizza, Grandma, Aunt Jan, The Nieto's and Uncle Marty.  We loaded his van with all of Nicole's "stuff" and spent the evening answering the phone and saying bye to all the neighbors.  She left for college the next day, it still makes me cry.
1923 - In Kalamazoo, Michigan, an ordinance was passed forbidding dancers from gazing into the eyes of their partner. This makes me cry too,  with laughter.

Parenting - I was raised in a family that respected the law, no matter what.  We were taught that you responded with "yes sir" or "no mam" when speaking to an officer or someone in charge.  We had police officers in our circle of friends and later in the family.  I believe that we must respect the people that uphold the laws that we have voted into existence.  When people lose respect for the basic principals, they lose respect for themselves.  I understand that there are bad police officers and people in charge and also there are people that have no respect for the law and believe they are above it.  I think, until young black males stop posturing as tough, aggressive assailants in the face of a police officer there will continue to be officers that feel threatened and shoot without hesitation.  Lets pray for both sides of this equation.

Book club - Drums of Autumn by Diana Gabaldon.  On the river going up to Jamie's Aunt's plantation, they are boarded and robbed by a man whose life they saved.  See an example of similar incongruity above.

Cairo Egypt -  Gotta see the pyramids!  and a camel.
Pyramids of Giza

Most Viewed Things to Do in Cairo    

  • 1. Egyptian Museum

    Apart from the no photography thing, which in many ways I can understand, I found the museum un kempt, ill labled, and dirty. The 2 exceptions to this were the Tutankhamun section and the royal...
  • 4.5 out of 5 stars

    2. Khan el Khalili

    If you are acquainted with souks and bargainning, this may be just one more commercial area. But if you want to feel the pulse of arab deals and feel the real Cairo you must not skip this famous...
  • 3. Gizeh Pyramids

    Everybody has a good image of what drags millions to Cairo - the pyramids; Everybody knows that they are extremely big; Anyway, everybody gets surprised when trying to make a picture of them and, even...
  • 10. Christian Cairo

    To get to Saint Samaan Church you have to go through Garbage City , the smell of the garbage is overpowering so if you have sensitive olfactory nerves I'd suggest a mask. The road to the church is...
    more   so we know how they feel about Christians.  be prepared to smile. 

  • Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!                    


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