Monday, August 18, 2014

August 18, 2014 Monday Discovery Day ??

Did some AM yoga.  Gotta rearrange the video's not enough yoga breaks between aerobics. 

Revelation chapter 22 - the very last of the Bible and this from Jesus himself.  He will return for us and has a place for us with him.  Stand up for your faith and stay jubilant, you are loved.

On this day:
1984 - Mark and I took Aaron to the drive-in to see Gremlins and Ghostbuster.  He must have been 6 and what with the continuing Ghostbuster movies they were in our house for a long time.  Who doesn't recognize the theme song?
1587 - Virginia Dare became the first child to be born on American soil of English parents. The colony that is now Roanoke Island, NC, mysteriously vanished. Sounds like a case for the Ghostbusters.

Parenting - I was with my friend Judy yesterday and we were talking about people that we had been a mother to that we weren't actually birth mothers to.  Her nephew, at 50+ still calls and lets her know his flight arrived, and he is a US flight marshall.  I don't know a woman that has not been a mother to someone, even if she has never had children of her own.

Book club - Drums of Autumn by Diana Gabaldon.  Jamie and Clair are on a new adventure up the east coast in America.  It is never boring.

Cairo Egypt -  current styles

Clothes Egypt
Actually, if you go to a site called NAGADA you will find some really beautiful clothes and house wares. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Go Discover (see above)

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