Wednesday, August 6, 2014

August 6, 2014 Wednesday

More activity with 5th and 6th grade kids!  Lots of energy, just getting up off the floor is giving me a workout!

Daniel chapter 17 - In the lions den.  God provided protection to Daniel when a group of disenters tricked the king into throwing Daniel into the lions den for praying to the "living God".  It backfired and those involved in the treachery were thrown in after Daniel walked out unscathed.  They did not fare as well. The King ordered everyone (that was left) to pray to Daniels's God.  Message? Careful who you pray to.

On this day:
1992 - Mark and I left Aaron who was 14, in charge at home, while we went to a pre-race meeting.  We were very social with the many friends we had there when someone came and told me Mark had left because there was an emergency at home.  It was a heart stopping experience.  I called the house and got the neighbor, Carmen, who was maybe 18 then and he came and picked me up in my car and took me to the hospital.  Aaron and Carmen had been chasing each other on bikes when Aaron hit loose gravel and spun out, hit face first and narrowly escaped being run over by a car.  The driver was a nurse by some stretch of luck and called an ambulance.  We were at the hospital quite late but he was finally released to Kathy to take home.  Poor guy really banged up his beautiful face.  Big price to pay for not obeying the "do not leave the house rule when you are sitting your little sister".

Parenting - This is the most extreme case of disobedience I remember from either of my kids.  They were generally, well mannered, happy obedient kids.  We didn't talk about this night for many reasons.  I was mad at Mark for not telling me he was leaving, Kathy was mad at us for not taking care of Aaron better, but you couldn't be mad at Aaron for breaking the rules, he had paid the biggest price on that one, fortunately no lasting scars.  Carmen had looked after Nicole till Mark got home.    I'm sure you all have that one similar experience, you do? don't you?

Book Club - Voyager by Diana Gabaldon.  The Outlander Series is now running on STARZ on cable.  I don't have STARZ, so if you do, call me.  I was told I could watch the first episode on my computer.  (tonight) :)

Cairo Egypt -
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The twin streams of Egypt's history converge just below the Delta at Cairo, where the greatest city in the Islamic world sprawls across the Nile towards the Pyramids, those supreme monuments of antiquity. Every visitor to Egypt comes here, to reel at the Pyramids' baleful mass and the seething immensity of Cairo, with its bazaars, mosques and Citadel and extraordinary Museum of Egyptian Antiquities. It's impossible, too, not to find yourself carried away by the street life, where medieval trades and customs coexist with a modern, cosmopolitan mix of Arab, African and European influences. … More

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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