Saturday, August 9, 2014

August 9, 2014 Saturday

Took my neighbors dog and went for a walk.  Brownie was thrilled to be dragging me down the street trying to chase bunnies and squirrels.  So, I also got an arm workout, and had to bend to pick up poop.  A complete workout!

Psalm 77 - Remembering that God always creates a path for us.  If you think you are at a dead end, remember how the Israelites felt at the Red Sea.  he parted the water for them and he can lead you too.

On this day:
2000 - I had my house for sale and got an offer of  90,000.  Oh, how I wish I had taken it, my realtor had me counter and they backed off.  Hindsight is 20/20. 
2004 - Donald Duck received the 2,257th star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. a bit of happy news!

Parenting - my bad -  Every church has a story.  For years, the kids in our youth program said there was a ghost in the back room by the fellowship kitchen and that it traveled between floors via a dumb waiter.  I told my VBS students this story and showed them the rooms involved.  They were basically unimpressed. (Untill they have a sleepover and then they will remember).  After the day ended and I was cleaning up my room, I had to dump some water from a container and went into the boys bathroom to do that.  As I dumped the water, I felt something brush against the back of my shoulder, I turned and of course I was alone in the basement, there was no one there.  I love that stuff. 

Book Club - The Voyager by Diana Gabaldon  This series, The Outlander is getting a lot of press right now because it is running on STARZ starting tonight.  Great Scottish romance!

Cairo Egypt - too much info. Go to the history channel online and you can watch hours of interesting video on this ancient place.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Go play kick ball!

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