Sunday, May 31, 2015

May 31, 2015 Sunday #scapegoatgardenplanthope

Get Fit
Go for a walk!  If in this area, take an umbrella.

Get Faith
Leviticus 16:5-22 - Interesting reading from the old testament.  The Israelites had many rituals they had to perform for forgiveness and cleansing.  Aaron here is sacrificing a bull for himself and his family and a goat for the people and another goat to go off in the wilderness to carry the sins of others, called a scapegoat.  Who could it be?  God has done everything to reconcile his love for you and with you - worship Him in thanks.

On This Day
1992 - Like today it was raining.  I was teaching Sunday School and the kids were looking forward to planting flowers in the church gardens.  I had a lesson set up just in case, but try to hold attention when they were looking forward to being outside.  I have planting yet to do in the yard, how about you?
The one millionth Chevrolet Corvette was built on this day in 1992. Unfortunately, it was damaged when a sinkhole opened beneath the Corvette Museum.  God planting a new item in the garden?  I want one.

I imagine myself in situations helping someone out of a jam.  I think of the ways and means and then the consequences of things not working out.  I am always reminded that what we want for someone else is not the issue - it is what they want.  A young man called me yesterday to help him out - but when he lights a cigarette I know he isn't ready for help.  So I will try to plant better thoughts for him.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
          One summer day when the teenagers were in the cabin and my mom was up at the big house where my Aunt Alice lived, Grandma Roberts came down to check up on us. 
     “What is all the racket about down here?”  Grandma yelled in her best Scottish brogue
     “We are just listening to rock and roll and dancing Grandma, do you like Elvis?”  Asked my brother Adam.
     Stuck on You by Elvis Presley.   
Las Tunas Cuba
We are moving today to Mauritania Africa -  I know nothing of this country let's find out! 
Goodbye Cuba !
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable  !

Saturday, May 30, 2015

May 30, 2015 Saturday #sorrowjudgementacceptance

Get Fit
Went for a walk today, such a beautiful morning!  Just went a mile - I will get another one in later today.  Walking is the best.

Get Faith
John 11:32-44 This is about Mary and Martha's brother Lazarus dying.  They were crying over their loss and Jesus wept with them.  He knew he could raise Lazarus and he did, but I think he was crying because he felt the pain his friends were feeling - like we do.  I cannot help but cry if I see someone else crying.  For those of us who believe our sorrow is temporary.

On this Day
1991 - Nicole and I went to Aaron's Honor night at his school.  He was a brother to be proud of and we seldom missed any of his school events. (video available).
1416 - Jerome of Prague was burned as a heretic by the Church.

1431 - Joan of Arc was burned at the stake in Rouen, France, at the age of 19.  Sorry to say these were all Christian events.  Where did we go wrong - what did they miss about Jesus's teachings?  What were they afraid of?

Have you attended events honoring your child's achievements?  Watched them in a parade?  Watched them play sports?  We love when our children do well.  I have done all the above with my daughter but the thing I appreciate the most - is her faith.  She is active in her Christianity, but there are those who don't approve because she is gay.  I see a line between the above acts and the behavior of people in the church today.  Judge not and I will not judge you.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

Dad dropped us off just like Maddie’s dad did and went back to the city.  A couple of years earlier, he and my other uncles had built a big year round house back away from the edge of the hill and behind the big cabin.  We spent a lot of time there.  Well, I did because my Gram was there, and on a rainy day I could play Canasta with her all day long.  Not as much though after Martin came along.  I babysat a lot.  Mom was usually over whelmed at so many kids around and thought she was supposed to be in charge. She got real bossy and complained about being stuck with all the kids.  But later, remembering those times she says she loved having the kids around and doing things with them.  I must have misread Mom a lot.
Las Tunas Cuba  last 2 days what shall we do?

Ristorante La Romana

restaurants / Italian
Spotted any Italians yet? No? Then drop by this new Roman abode on the main boulevard where the olive oil's extra virgin, the pasta's homemade and the coffee's Lavazza. The food – including the starter bruschettas – is molta ottima , according to Las Tunas' bevy of Italian

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable  Happy Birthday Elizabeth!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

May 28, 2015 Thursday #boatswaterfriends

Get Fit
Try This Abdominal Corset  While in a sitting or standing position, draw your stomach in by tightening in your stomach muscles.  Attempt to draw your waist away from your waist band all the way around.  If you are doing this right, you should feel taller - and be able to breathe.  Hold for a count of 10.  Repeat 5 times. This is from a sheet of exercises the therapist gave me.

Get Faith
Proverbs 30:1-4  Who is Agur talking about here?  This is a writing from the Old Testament.  We now know it is Jesus Christ the son of God.  "I am weary God, but I can prevail."  The promise of Jesus the Messiah kept the Israelites focused on the future - it is now and we have Him.

On this Day;
1990  This was Memorial Day in this year.  Mark, Marty and Big Wave, Nicole and I went out on the boat to Muskamoot Bay with some friends the Logan's and their boat.  We toured around by Shore Club to see Don and Pat and then came home for a BBQ.  What a great time on the lake.  Do you have access to a boat?  For my friends by Lake St Clair we live for those days.
1918 - Azerbaijan declared independence. This will be a good place for my travelers group.  I have never heard of it. 

I am so glad my daughter has adopted the things that were good in my life.  She loves the water and her boat and God.  She has a great group of friends.  Let's see someone else I know hung around the water with His friends and loved God. 

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
When I returned home from Maddie’s summer place my mom informed me that next week we were going up to Port Sanilac to my Aunt’s cottages.  We did every summer and it holds a ton of memories for me.  We usually stayed in the big cabin at the top of the hill that went straight down to the beach.  We were overrun with cousins and a lot of them were there a lot of the time.  That’s why I couldn’t take Maddie up with me.  We always had other family’s kids with us, which didn’t make Mom too happy, but I liked it.
     Good Timin’ by Jimmy Jones
Las Tunas Cuba:  last days!

Las Tunas CUBA - Una Vuelta En Centro

Una Vuelta En Centro De Las Tunas   13:01   3 years ago   Bus Tour!!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Dad and Brandon

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

May 27, 2015 Wednesday #fooddrybreadnotPolish

Get Fit
Worked out with Jillian today circuit training.  It was rough after eating that big Polish dinner last night. 

Get Faith
Acts 11:19-26 The church in Antioch.  The disciples went out to many places to spread the word of God about The Gospel.  After Antioch they were referred to as Christians.  Christ did not want his followers to call themselves this.  We love the name Jesus and every knee should bow at his name, but the message from God is what is important.  God so loved the world

On This Day
1985 - I had Nicole by C section 3 days earlier.  It was Dad's birthday and I got up and scoured the halls for a pink bow on someone's flowers for Nicole's head for her Grandpa.  I was breast feeding and they had it listed as "on demand".  It never goes away - "hi Mom what can I eat" you know that. 
1985 - In Beijing, representatives of Britain and China exchanged instruments of ratification on the pact returning Hong Kong to the Chinese in 1997. Things change -

The old school when I was a kid was "sit there till you finish your dinner" cold green beans are horrible.  With my daughter - well I gave her what she wanted and for the most part she was a good eater.  Uncle Marty made it better with the clean plate club, he gave them a quarter.  What was your method of getting them to eat?  Today people are so busy they catch a bite when they can - sitting down to a meal together is almost a thing of the past.  Too bad.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

     We each had a loaf of bread on our sailboard and intent on getting them back to Maddie’s mom – dry.  He came directly at us, turning at the last minute, creating huge waves coming to wash over our boards.  We both sat up and raised the bread over our heads.  We couldn’t hear him but could see him laughing big time at our dilemma.  Away he went and then straight back at us, turning to give us a spray of water and almost capsizing our boards.  We held the bread high, it was in plastic bags.  We did manage to get one of the loaves back to the house in good shape, the other became fish food.  Maddie’s mom had seen the whole thing and was on the phone when we walked in.  Small communities like that provide you with every phone number in the area.  Mrs. Howell heard about it before he ever got out of the boat.  I wondered if he got in trouble, we heard he was pretty spoiled.  It was a great time out there. 
     Go Jimmy Go by Jimmy Clanton

Las Tunas Cuba - Before we go ....

Las Tunas CUBA - En Parque Maceo

una buelta en parque Maceo las tunas   7:24   3 years ago   
Just like being there !
Enjoy the Day  Make it Memorable  Happy Birthday Claire, Pierre, Ed and Brandon.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

May 26, 2015 Tuesday #tolerance

Get Fit
Got some Pilates with Denise Austin this morning.  So good for the back and abs - core strength.

Get Faith
Mark 4:35-41 Jesus calms the storm.  Jesus was in a boat with his disciples when a storm arose.  Jesus made the winds stop and the sea calm.  Today I was more interested in what Jesus said first -"Let us go over to the other side".  Yes, let's go over to the other side, look at things f rom someone else's perspective.  Let's walk in their shoes, experience their lifestyle.  Let us tolerate differences for just one day - maybe it will catch on.

On This Day
1980  Honest Victor from The New York Met called again.  Still didn't go.

1994 - U.S. President Clinton renewed trade privileges for China, and announced that his administration would no longer link China's trade status with its human rights record. So - we don't care how you treat the workers anymore we want to do business?  Interesting.

My friend Amy is staying here while she heals up from back surgery.  Her daughter Allie, slept on the floor next to her bed, in case she needed anything through the night.  What else can I say

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

Jimmy Howell had a summer home on the lake and his son was there most of the summer.  Jimmy Howell Jr.  He had his own speedboat, red and white, and to us, was the terror of the lake.  Junior was 17 or 18, the same age as my brother.  I knew that because he went to school with my brother.  Adam liked him, but I didn’t.
Las Tunas Cuba  Last few days here, how about souvenirs:

After dinner smoke?  hey they are in high demand for some!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

Monday, May 25, 2015

May 25, 2015 Monday Memorial Day #Waterandmusic

Get Fit
I know its a holiday, but get moving - how about a morning walk?  I worked out with Richard and the resistance band this morning, but that's just me.

Get Faith
Exodus 15:1-2,13-18  The Israelites praised God for saving them and their exodus from Egypt.  They praised him in song.  We still praise him in song - he saves all of us everyday to share this life in love and peace and saves us for the life to come.  Praise Him Praise Him all the little children - God is Love.

On This Day
1978 - Life offers interesting opportunities.  Chris and I had been to the Met in Detroit a couple of times (her attempt at enlightening me) and we met a guy named Victor.  He walked right up to us in the lobby and introduced himself, he was the make-up artist for the MET.  I believe his other job was to procure women for the after party, you know?  On this day I believe Pavarotti was coming to town and Victor called me to ask if I would attend the concert and join the after party.  I'm sorry I didn't.  That would be another tale to tell you.

1895 - Oscar Wilde, a playwright, poet and novelist, was convicted of a morals charge and sentenced to prison in London. seems there is another side to this artistic talent types.

I hate it when my daughter goes away.  I love that she has this life that offers opportunity, but I miss her while she is gone.  My nest will not be empty long - Amy will come today and stay while her back heals from surgery.  God delivers me from boredom.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

     There was enough money to purchase a couple cookies and two loafs of yummy smelling bread and go back to our sailboards.  The cookies didn’t last long and we were soon back on our stomachs and paddling back across the lake.  As we reached the halfway point you could hear the speed boat coming.  There weren’t too many during the week so we pretty much knew who it was flying toward us.
Las Tunas Cuba -
LAS TUNAS CUBA  I am all about this today!  Last week here, enjoy!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable  Happy Birthday Fernando, Lloyd Jr.! 

Friday, May 22, 2015

May 22, 2015 Friday National Maritime Day #wisdomspeedrecovery

Get Fit
Super Stomach with Denise.  Going to be a busy day.  Hey!  Go down and catch a ballgame!

Get Faith
Proverbs 3:1-18  About wisdom being more precious than silver and gold.  Wisdom is one of the those things that money can't buy.  Even a college education does not guarantee wisdom, but God who is perfect in his wisdom shares with us.  Blessing comes from seeking wisdom and living by it, says the study writer - I agree.

On this day:
1977 - It was cold but it didn't stop up from taking a boat load of people from Jefferson Beach Marina to a friend - Paul's on the Clinton River.  We had a guy named Azis on the boat with us.  I haven't thought about him for years, he was pretty popular with the girls.  Pete and I stayed up there for the weekend, the rest of them must have got a ride back by car.  It was pretty cold.  Hope Azis did okay, he was a nice guy.
1977 - Janet Guthrie set the fastest time of the second weekend of qualifying, becoming the first woman to earn a starting spot in the Indianapolis 500 since its inception in 1911. You go girl!

Went to the hospital yesterday to see my friend Amy that had back surgery.  She was in so much pain that when they got her up to go to the bathroom I had to turn my back.  I didn't want her to see me cry.  That is why I'm not a nurse.  God Bless nurses!

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties (excerpt)

     Quite often Maddie’s mom called out. “Maddie you need to go across to the bakery and get some bread, we are almost out"
     “Ok Mom we will take the sunfish over, ok?”
     “Ok be careful you don’t get the bread wet, come and get the money.”
     It wasn’t unusual for us to go to the bakery.  It was a small storefront built onto a little house on the bay behind the island.  It was a good distance to paddle to, but we didn’t mind and the hopes of something sweet that came from that wonderful smelling place was worth the trip.  The trip over was uneventful and no one ever said “no shoes no service” there.
Las Tunas Cuba more cuisine:

Plantain Chips with Garlic Sauce

Total votes: 1269
cuba recipes .org - Plantain Chips with Garlic Sauce
This is a very popular Cuban side dish, and always served with most Cuban main dishes. Can also be served as an appetizer.
Serving Size: 4


  • 2 large green plantains (peeled)
  • Vegetable oil
  • salt to taste
  • Mojo
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 6 garlic gloves (minced)
  • 1 cup large onion (finely chopped)
  • 1/2 cup lemon juice


Using a slicer, slice each of the plantains into thin chips and place in a bowl. In a frying pan or deep fryer, pour 2 to 3 inches of the oil and heat the oil over medium-high heat. Fry a handful of chips at a time, removing them and placing them in a bowl with a paper towel to soak the oil. The chips should be golden brown. Sprinkle with salt to taste.
For the mojo, you will need a large bowl. In a large bowl, pour the lemon juice, garlic and chopped onion into the bowl and stir. Heat the olive oil over medium-high for 2 minutes, then when hot, pour olive oil into bowl. Be careful not to get burned, since some of it might splatter out. Mix the mojo ingredients, then pour into dipping cups. Dip the mariquitas in the mojo and enjoy!
hmmmmm maybe.

Enjoy the Day Make it Memorable! 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

May 21, 2015 Thursday #givebloodRedCross

Get Fit
I haven't heard too much about kick boxing but I still do it twice a month.  I feel like if I quit I won't be able to do it anymore - and I hate to give anything up.

Get Faith
Isaiah 61:1-3  "He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted,"  This scripture, as many others always makes me think of how the poor grasp their faith and worship God for all they have.  As we get more comfortable we don't need God and the care and provisions of love and peace that he provides.  I always worry about the well off that turn their back on God - until there is hardship, like a death or health issue.  Thank God today - you might not get a chance tomorrow.

On This Day:
2013 - This was the day that Oklahoma was reeling from Tornados that leveled an entire city.  A few years before that was the Oklahoma city bombing.  It amazes me how people can pull up their sleeves and rebound after horrible tragedy's, but they do.

1881 - The American branch of the Red Cross was founded by Clara Barton.  Clara called me yesterday to give blood - or someone like her.  I got June 3 what about you?  Big shortage.

Speaking of blood (?) , when Nicole was 3 she was in kidney failure and needed blood.  It was scary because of the huge news on HIV.  She looked like a ghost in the hospital bed until they gave her blood.  You could see the pink, the life going back into her.  Give blood - might be someone you love that needs it next.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

When we lived at Maceday Lake near Pontiac I was only five when the Red Cross sent an instructor to the beach club we belonged to.  I was too young for the classes and was forced to sit out the lessons on the dock.  I watched everything he taught them and later after the lessons I went into the lake and practiced everything he taught.  I became an excellent swimmer at 6 and even taught my cousins how to swim when they came out to visit.  In hindsight now, I wonder why they didn’t teach younger kids to swim it would have been a life saver.
Las Tunas Cuba - cuisine

Stuffed Plantain Cups

Total votes: 8361
cuba recipes .org - Stuffed Plantain Cups
The Cuban Stuffed Plantain Cups or Tostones Rellenos. This recipe is a tasty variation of the known Tostones (Chatinos) from the traditional Cuban cuisine and is very easy to do. Try it and then enjoy!


  • 6 green plantains
  • 3/4 cup filling (cheese and ham ground)
  • oil
  • salt (to taste)


Peel and chop plantains into 3. Toss them  in a pan and add oil to coat. Put the pan over medium heat and when plantains are browned remove them.
Put plantains on paper to absorb the oil and then crush them by hand. Make a hole in the center (without damaging the plantain) and place stuffed with cheese and ham.
When they are all shred them in hot oil. Take them out as they become browning. Sprinkle salt to taste.
They shouldbe served hot.  What do you think sound good?  try it!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

May 20, 2015 Wednesday #putjesusfirstgenome

Get Fit
Tone and Stretch this morning, the cat beat me to the mat though. Guess I could get him is own.

Get Faith
1 Corinthians 3:19  This passage is about how the people of that time were arguing about following Paul or Apollos.  The church throughout time has argued about who is right.  God is.  I get no special reward for sharing my faith with you.  You will have to form your own thoughts on what your faith means to you.  There is no special place in heaven for those of us that work for the faith.  I only want you to have the same promise of life, peace and joy that I get from knowing Jesus Christ.

On This Day:
2010  I had choir practice that evening.  I can't carry a tune in a bucket, but I can listen and blend in, and it really helped my breathing.  After choir we were leaving and David was there waiting to be picked up after youth group.  I stayed with him and we chatted.  I had been the youth leader for so long and missed the kids, but always took advantage of opportunities to catch up.  Spend time talking to a teenager - you will be surprised what you can learn.
2010 - Scientists announced that they had created a functional synthetic genome. Help What is this?  Sounds like an elfen type thing to me.

Had to take Nicole to foot doctor for minor surgery yesterday.  It doesn't matter how old they are, you still feel their pain, especially when they are texting it to you from the exam room. 

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
     We spent our days in the water or in the boat or on the sunfish sailboats that they had.  There was a boathouse, with old wood docks inside, spider webs and everything imaginable to play in the water with.  We loved to run at top speed down the long dock and sail off into the clear water, landing with a splash and getting a nose full of water. I was a great swimmer.
LaTunas Cuba -

Cuba Tours

InsightCuba, the foremost provider of legal people-to-people travel to Cuba, has nurtured its relationships in Cuba for more than 14 years. We are considered family in each of the communities we visit; as our guests, you will be, too.
Our people-to-people tours, led by seasoned Cuban guides and accompanied by storied insightCuba tour leaders, offer insider access to people and places the average tourist rarely sees. Whether embarking on an epic, 13-day coast-to coast exploration or a long weekend in Havana, each of our 100+ tours is designed to ignite meaningful, engaging experiences with the lifelong residents that give Cuba its spark.
Get to know local artists in the enchanting 500-year-old city of Trinidad. Tap your feet to the tempo of timba at a percussion and dance workshop. Indulge in laughter and play with Cuban school children. Make new friends, and allow the gentleness of the Cuban people and their stories to intrigue you.
At insightCuba, we’re as passionate as you are about travel, and there’s nothing we enjoy more than carefully crafting your experience to fully immerse you in the sights, sounds and flavors of Cuba that we know so well. Rest assured that each one of our people-to-people departures is always custom designed; you’ll never find us offering a “cookie cutter” tour.
Read on to learn more about the insightCuba experience, browse our Signature tours below. Feel free at anytime to contact our team of travel specialists with questions: 1-800-450-CUBA (2822).s

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Jen!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

May 19, 2015 Tuesday #dancegardenlife

Get Fit
How about that dancing.  I did disco with Richard this morning. The TV has all kinds of exercise channels now.

Get Faith
Genesis 2:7-15  This tells us that God created man and put him in the garden to care for it and be cared for by God.  Where did we go wrong?  We were kicked out of the garden for disobedience.  There was also in the middle of the garden "the tree of life".  We still have that.  I think I need to care for the gardens God has blessed me with and take care of that tree of life - mine that I owe him thanks for - forever!  These few sentences tell us a lot.  Look on a map for the Tigris and Euphrates rivers that flowed from the garden of Eden.

On this Day:
2003 - Mom and I went to her cousin Johanna's funeral.  I always remember this lady to be beautifully dressed and groomed and perfectly behaved.  Her hosting skills were impeccable.  I thought very highly of her.  Her German accent was like music.  She had a stroke and was crippled and confined to a wheelchair for many years before she died.  Her husband Helmut doted on her and kept her home to the end.  He was near 90 when she died.  She never lost that becoming smile.  Some people know how to live with dignity and style.
2003 - Hundreds of Albert Einstein's scientific papers, personal letters and humanist essays were make available on the Internet. Einstein had given the papers to the Hebrew Universtiy of Jerusalem in his will. Did you know this?  What will you do, look it up?  Amazing.

I don't have grandchildren but I enjoy my friends.  Monna stopped by with Abel and Aubry yesterday.  The call me Auntie Nanny.  I love it and they know it.  Abel is 3 and comes to me and says "sit on your lap".  He knows I will rub his back, but then when he feels like he is going to sleep he leaps off.  When they left with the flower garden in a plastic cup they made they blew kisses and yelled they loved me till the car was out of sight.  I could die of overload.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties  This book will be published soon.

     Although it seemed like Maddie was an only child, she was the last of her siblings.  That’s probably why she took me along all the time.  The others were off and married and I saw them very little.  One of them had either married a foreigner or adopted a foreign child, because the little girl was Spanish looking, her name was Mary and she was the same age as my brother Martin.  They played together when they came to Maddy’s house in Detroit.  Here at the lake though, it was Maddie, her mother and I and occasionally her dad.  He would drop us off and go back to the city, back to work.
Las Tunas Cuba  shopping

168 Market in Las Tunas, Las Tunas, Cuba | Las ...
A local business listing for 168 Market in Las Tunas, Las Tunas, categorized as Shopping Center located in 937 E Las Tunas Dr, San Gabriel, CA. Here you can read and ...
Let's go here today!
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable !  Happy Birthday Elyse!

Monday, May 18, 2015

May 18, 2015 Monday #absendbloodcatseyeskull

Get Fit
Tammy and I did some abs and arms this morning.  Start the week off strong if you didn't hurt yourself over the weekend. 

Get Faith
Romans 13:10-14  When I read anything about the end of days or the day is near it reminds me that people pass from this life everyday.  Young and old, rich and poor, Christians and non Christians, it is even more compelling than paying taxes.  I don't get excited about "the end of the world".  I have also lived a life that reflects all of the things the Bible tells us not to do.  I believe I have broken every commandment.  But, I have come to realize how big God's heart is and how immense His compassion is and I know he saved me in Jesus Christ's death.  So, I try to live a better life and if I can pass on His message through this blog and my life action - great!

On this day
2000 - I went to give blood and it took forever to get a 1/2 bag out of me.  I suggested hanging me by my ankles but they said no.  I since learned to drink a lot of water and it will run out like a faucet.  There is a terrible shortage of blood right now and if you can - go do it.

1642 - Montreal, Canada, was founded. I spent a regrettable 5 days here once. 

Many of my friends have pets for children - dogs or cats etc.  It is a suitable substitute I think.  My daughter is leaving me with her "son" for the summer.  That makes me grandma I suppose.  As good as my daughter was as a child "her" son is the opposite.  That little boy cat is the hardest child I have had in my lifetime.  So cute. (smile)

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

To the right was a large formal dining room with a huge table and many chairs.  If I had to move that furniture I would tell you it was permanent.  Unmovable.  There was a multitude of china cabinets around the room with dishes and all kinds of Knick knacks.  There was an empty glass vase in the center of the table with a big white doily under it, begging to be filled with flowers.  It was ready for a huge group of people to come in and have a meal.
Las Tunas Cuba

Fluoride with Argon used in Ophthalmology

Inhabitants from  Las Tunas  with refractive disorders (myopia) had to go to Havana to receive medical treatment. Now, patients with this type of ailment receive the treatment in the modern ophthalmology center launched in October 2008, at the provincial hospital Dr. Ernesto Guevara.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable! 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

May 17, 2015 Sunday #restintheyardwithflowers

Get Fit
A day of rest, but I am working in the yard today and that's a work out!

Get Faith
Going out to Christ Lutheran  today.  It is Confirmation day there and Nicole has been playing music for the catechism classes so it is nice to see them confirming their baptism.  There was a story by the study writer today about a young (9) boy that was abducted from his driveway.  He repeatedly sang a song of praise to God, even though the kidnapper was shouting obscenities at him.  The bad guy finally pulled over and let the kid out.  Just sayin'

On this day
1990 - Nicole was five, we were down in Stuart Florida with Grandma Luvy.  We had a beautiful day at the beach, shopping on Hutchinson Island and then stopped on the causeway coming back to explore the beach there for shells.  Grandma went right into the water wading and searching followed by Nicole until she saw a crab.  Make memories today with your children or grandchildren. video available.

1990 - Kelsey Grammer was sentenced to 30 days in jail for DWI. he should have come to the beach with us.

Went on a tour of the Edsel Ford Estate yesterday.  Jackie our docent, related the info about the house from a family point of view.  She told us how their life at home was separate from work, the house was built with the children and family in mind.  I loved the play house that was an exact miniature of a full scale house, with running water, bathroom, heat etc.  I could live there if the roof wasn't so low.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

I remember the big enclosed front porch, all painted white inside with windows all around so you could see out across the entire lake.  There were table and chairs at one end and couches with pillows and chairs all around the porch.  I had always been an avid reader and thought it would be a great place to curl up with a book, but Maddie and I were always too busy.   When you went into the house to the left was a big living room with more cushy comfy couches and end tables and lamps and a big stone fireplace in the middle of the inside wall, central to all seating areas.  Bookcases, lots of them filled with books lined the walls.  There were area rugs in the seating areas over a rich reddish wood floor.  I believe they closed it up for winter due to the difficult conditions of getting there.

Las Tunas Cuba Religion
Cuba's prevailing religion is Roman Catholicism, although in some instances it is profoundly modified and influenced through syncretism. A common syncretic religion is Santería, which combined the Yoruba religion of the African slaves with Catholicism and some Native American strands; it shows similarities to Brazilian Umbanda and has been receiving a degree of official support. The Roman Catholic Church estimates that 65 percent of the population is Catholic,[2] but only 5% of that 60% attends mass regularly,[3] while independent sources estimate that as few 1.5% of the population does so.[4]
Membership in Protestant churches is estimated to be 5 percent and includes Baptists, Pentecostals, Seventh-day Adventists, Presbyterians, Anglicans, Episcopalians, Methodists, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), and Lutherans. Other groups include the Greek Orthodox Church, the Russian Orthodox Church, Jehovah's Witnesses, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, Baha'is, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons).
Entrance to the Catedral de San Cristóbal de la Habana (Cathedral of Saint Christopher of Havana)
Cuba is home to a variety of syncretic religions of largely African cultural origin. According to a US State Department report,[2] some sources estimate that as much as 80 percent of the population consults with practitioners of religions with West African roots, such as Santeria or Yoruba. Santería developed out of the traditions of the Yoruba, one of the African peoples who were imported to Cuba during the 16th through 19th centuries to work on the sugar plantations. Santería blends elements of Christianity and West African beliefs and as such made it possible for the slaves to retain their traditional beliefs while appearing to practice Catholicism. La Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre (Our Lady Of Charity) is the Catholic patroness of Cuba, and is greatly revered by the Cuban people and seen as a symbol of Cuba. In Santería, she has been syncretized with the goddess Ochún. The important religious festival "La Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre" is celebrated by Cubans annually on 8 September. Other religions practised are Palo Monte, and Abakuá, which have large parts of their liturgy in African languages.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Sue

Saturday, May 16, 2015

May 16, 2015 Armed Forces Day #Offshoreboatracingbrag

Get Fit
Took a break today from the morning routine.  Going for a walking tour with ladies from church and maybe a walk later.

Get Faith
2 Corinthians 5:11-17 - Call me crazy but I love Jesus.  Paul did too and didn't care what people said about him.  Jesus was such a great role model - selfless and loving, plus he died to save us from our sins.  Yep, call me crazy I love Jesus.

On this day;
1988 - I was the editor of the Lake St Clair Off Shore Racing Club newsletter.  It was about a 26 page color 5 x 9 book that went out to 400+ readers locally and across the country.  It was a great success, not because of me.  Marty did most of the articles, Noel did the typing and Wines Printing did the layout.  I was the coordinator and made sure it was out by the first of the month.  I'm thinking I was born for some type of journalism.  We won a national award for our newsletter that Marty went to Miami to receive and I talked to Deborah Muncie a few times when she called me personally to comment on that months issue.  Yes Muncie of Muncie fame.  (This is me patting myself on the back).

1988 - A report released by Surgeon General C. Everett Koop declared that nicotine was addictive in similar was as heroin and cocaine. Good to remember for those who still smoke.  Go into rehab!

My daughter is at the Lutheran Church Synod assembly today.  The Southeast Synod yesterday and today and the Northwest tomorrow and Monday.  I don't deserve such a great daughter - a perfect example of a prayer answered! 

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties  (excerpt)

That wasn’t the only place that Maddie took me that year.  When school got out she had more plans for me.  Her parents owned an old house in the middle of Lake Orion on an island.  After living on lake front property when I was younger I loved going to her “cottage” with the family in the summer time.  When we got to the lake we had to all carry something to the small boat tied up there and get in the boat.  Her dad would start up the motor and off we’d go across the lake (regardless of weather) to the two story old farm house on a small piece of ground.  The dog loved it too.  He was hard to keep in the boat till we got across the lake. 
Las Tunas Cuba - entertainment!

Feria Ganado

entertainment-nightlife / Other

Located in Parque Julio 26 where Vicente García bends into Av 1 de Mayo, it kicks off every weekend with a market, music, food stalls, kids’ activities and, if you’re lucky, a full-scale rodeo (you’ll see the large permanent arena as you walk in).

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

Friday, May 15, 2015

May 15, 2015 Friday #extremesportssleazeball

Get Fit
Gaiam video - Pilates ring workout.  Get out there to the garage sales!  This is the time of year everyone is getting rid of the exercise equipment that they got for Christmas!

Get Faith
Romans 9:1-5 I can only imagine how Paul felt, coming from the God's promised - the Israelites.  He left that behind to follow Christ.  He wanted them to believe as he did in the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ but many could not make that choice.  I feel the same way about my friends that don't practice Christianity, I wish they could see the peace and joy that it gives. I pray for them.

On this day:
1987 My husband Mark and I were down in Fort Myers for a boat race.  I had left my two year old Nicole home with Grandma and decided to call and see how she was doing.  Grandma put her on the phone and she said "Hi Sleazeball".  That was a new name that Alice my dear sister had started calling Nicole.  I'm sure she thought it was a loving, endearing name.  Right.

1948 - Israel was attacked by Transjordan, Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon only hours after declaring its independence. It never stopped and hasn't yet.

I was watching TV this morning and saw the new trend for kids in sports is EXTREME SPORTS.  Glad I don't have to deal with watching a young child flying through the air on a bicycle or bungie jumping or mountain climbing.  My heart goes out to those parents.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

I went back a few times after that but started noticing the place smelled old and of urine.  It was dark and spooky and lost its appeal.  Sister Sam took me over to the side the men lived at and it was worse, with old men sitting on the floor in the hall with vacant looks on their faces.  I tried to find Maddie but it seemed like Maddie had dropped out of the entire service program and so I dropped my life’s plan of becoming a nun and concentrated on the boys in my confirmation class instead.  But Maddie wasn’t done with me yet.
Las Tunas Cuba:
Victoria de Las Tunas, Cuba
What a cute place, maybe I can rent it for a week?

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Kevin!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

May 14, 2015 Thursday #passingjudgment/babies/Cuba

Get Fit
Kathy Smith and I did some warm up and aerobics this morning.  Even if you get in the habit of doing a few stretches when you get up in the morning you will notice a difference AND drink that water!

Get Faith Luke 18: 9-14
This is about the tax collector and the Pharisee both going to the temple to pray.  The Pharisee from a stand of righteousness the tax collector asking for forgiveness.  Pray from where and who you are, there is not a "right" way to pray, but what is in your heart is what God wants to hear from you.  He already knows your heart, he just wants to make sure you do.  The study writer closed with this- We don't get closer to God by passing judgment on others.

On this day:
1985 - Two days past my due date with Nicole and done nesting, except I went and bought a flat of pink flowers for the yard.  Waiting.  What did you do while you were waiting?

1985 - The first McDonald's restaurant became the first fast-food business museum. It is located in Des Plaines, Illinois. Wish I had a dollar for how many happy meals I have bought.

On TV this morning a couple had (I think) their 19th child.  I can't imagine.  How many do you have, do you think you had too many or not enough?  How do you support emotionally and financially that many children?  Lots of subject for conversation there.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

     One day, after the 12 block walk from my school to Arnold’s I walked through the black wrought iron gate and hooked it behind me.  When I entered the door Sister Sam was waiting for me.  She said something had changed and took me to Anna’s room.  Sister told me the angels had taken Anna home last night and she handed me the little jewelry box of items that Anna had left.  She wanted me to have it, there was no other family.  Some discolored pearls, a small scarf to wear on her head to church, and a few piece of odds and ends.  That was all she had, no family, no children or friends to mourn her.  I was devastated.  But at least Anna was old and she had told me she was prepared to die.  I had no doubt a sweet lady like her would go straight up to heaven.   The Lutheran Pastor told me that.  I began to learn that death is part of life.

Las Tunas Cuba

Las Tunas

The province of Las Tunas, situated between Camagüey, Holguín and Granma, is famous for its quiet, untouched beaches, rural “cowboy” culture and diverse array of events, including Cuba’s biggest campesino music festival, Latin America’s only magic conference and a month-long sculpture exhibit.
The provincial capital, the city of Las Tunas, has been dubbed El Balcón del Oriente (The Balcony of the Oriente), thanks to its location, marking the divide between western and eastern Cuba – both geographically and culturally. Also commonly known as the “City of Sculptures,” the city streets are decorated with more than 100 sculptures.
Las Tunas Province also has its share of shimmering sand, turquoise waters and colourful coral, most notably at Covarrubias Beach, on the Atlantic coast. Nearby is the province’s second-largest city, Puerto Padre, which is known for its sugar mills and a history dating back to the 16th century. Love these pictures!  Now I really want to be there!

Read more:

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Kyle!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

May 13, 2015 Wednesday #invest/friends/faith

Get Fit
Try some Pilates!  This video has foot exercises.  As we get older we are more inclined to stumble and fall.  These exercise strengthen the ankles and give you more flexibility in your feet.  This video is GAIAM Pilates Conditioning for Weight Loss.  It also goes on to the full workout of the 100, roll ups and etc.

Get Faith
Psalm 119: 14 & 33-40  About loving the Lord and obeying his precepts.  We have a hard time living a godly life.  Too much in our lives seem so much more important - like money and the stuff we can buy with it.  Billions are spent on the lottery in over 100 countries, the study writer says.  I don't have a lot of money, I have enough - and I like stuff.  I do feel that the peace and comfort that I get from my faith are better than a huge bank account.  Judging by how happy the wealthy are, I think faith is a better investment.

On This Day
1983 - After work and shopping at Eastland I went out bar hopping with my good old friend Patrick.  We hit the Emerald City Harbor and finished the night at Brownies - the original Brownies.  We have been and still are great friends.  I have been best friends with his ex-wife since 1972 and friends with many of his girlfriends and his current as well.  I love people with personality and he has a lot, got any of those friends yourself?  Get one.

1888 - Slavery was abolished in Brazil.  Portugal settled Brazil and enslaved the natives and others from Africa to cut lumber etc.  This was not a new practice, it goes back to the beginning of the human race, to many nations.  Let's stop it.

Please include my niece Lindsey in your daily prayers to carry this baby full term to a happy and healthy birth! 

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

     The first person I would stop and see upon arriving at my service job was Anna.  She was elderly and bedridden and looked forward to holding my hand and telling me her life stories.  I learned how to wash her hands and face with a little basin of water and wash cloth and even to change the sheets on her bed, by rolling her back and forth from one side to the other.  There were other ladies I would visit but Anna was my favorite.  I think she reminded me of my Gram, who I didn’t see as often as when she lived with us.  After a few months I settled into a nice little routine of helping and spending time with the nuns and elderly patients.  I could feel the convent calling me.
Las Tunas Cuba culture
Unsuspected levels of culture can be appreciated in every-day life of this province, which despite being far away from the capital, may count on a population apt for study and creation. The people from Las Tunas are humble and charming, lovers of an abundant table that they offer spontaneously to visitors. The way of speaking in the region is somewhat different to the one predominant in the rest of the eastern zone, where one can perceive an intonation different to that of the rest of the country.
The artists who cultivate the "decima" in the territory have enjoyed and shared their art in national and international events on this particular poetic and musical genre of the Cuban countryside, developed around the figure of Juan Cristóbal Nápoles Fajardo (El Cucalambé). The inhabitant of Las Tunas is an inborn "decima" artist because improvisation comes out naturally.
Another artistic facet of the province is sculpture. It has set deep roots among the inhabitants of the province, which has been denominated "the sculpture capital".
National and international prizes on narration have been awarded to writers from this territory like Guillermo Vidal, professor and narrator, and Alberto Garrido, recently awarded the Casa de las Américas Prize, who shows an organic work with the story as most relevant genre.
The cult to heroes is part of the life of the people of this province. The Museo General Vicente García, located in colonial mansion where he used to reside, is a preferred place of the city.
The plaza devoted to the memory of José Martí treasures a singular sundial that allows the sun to illuminate his face on his birthday.  Wow how cool is that!

Enjoy the Day  Make it Memorable!