Friday, May 15, 2015

May 15, 2015 Friday #extremesportssleazeball

Get Fit
Gaiam video - Pilates ring workout.  Get out there to the garage sales!  This is the time of year everyone is getting rid of the exercise equipment that they got for Christmas!

Get Faith
Romans 9:1-5 I can only imagine how Paul felt, coming from the God's promised - the Israelites.  He left that behind to follow Christ.  He wanted them to believe as he did in the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ but many could not make that choice.  I feel the same way about my friends that don't practice Christianity, I wish they could see the peace and joy that it gives. I pray for them.

On this day:
1987 My husband Mark and I were down in Fort Myers for a boat race.  I had left my two year old Nicole home with Grandma and decided to call and see how she was doing.  Grandma put her on the phone and she said "Hi Sleazeball".  That was a new name that Alice my dear sister had started calling Nicole.  I'm sure she thought it was a loving, endearing name.  Right.

1948 - Israel was attacked by Transjordan, Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon only hours after declaring its independence. It never stopped and hasn't yet.

I was watching TV this morning and saw the new trend for kids in sports is EXTREME SPORTS.  Glad I don't have to deal with watching a young child flying through the air on a bicycle or bungie jumping or mountain climbing.  My heart goes out to those parents.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

I went back a few times after that but started noticing the place smelled old and of urine.  It was dark and spooky and lost its appeal.  Sister Sam took me over to the side the men lived at and it was worse, with old men sitting on the floor in the hall with vacant looks on their faces.  I tried to find Maddie but it seemed like Maddie had dropped out of the entire service program and so I dropped my life’s plan of becoming a nun and concentrated on the boys in my confirmation class instead.  But Maddie wasn’t done with me yet.
Las Tunas Cuba:
Victoria de Las Tunas, Cuba
What a cute place, maybe I can rent it for a week?

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Kevin!

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