Saturday, May 16, 2015

May 16, 2015 Armed Forces Day #Offshoreboatracingbrag

Get Fit
Took a break today from the morning routine.  Going for a walking tour with ladies from church and maybe a walk later.

Get Faith
2 Corinthians 5:11-17 - Call me crazy but I love Jesus.  Paul did too and didn't care what people said about him.  Jesus was such a great role model - selfless and loving, plus he died to save us from our sins.  Yep, call me crazy I love Jesus.

On this day;
1988 - I was the editor of the Lake St Clair Off Shore Racing Club newsletter.  It was about a 26 page color 5 x 9 book that went out to 400+ readers locally and across the country.  It was a great success, not because of me.  Marty did most of the articles, Noel did the typing and Wines Printing did the layout.  I was the coordinator and made sure it was out by the first of the month.  I'm thinking I was born for some type of journalism.  We won a national award for our newsletter that Marty went to Miami to receive and I talked to Deborah Muncie a few times when she called me personally to comment on that months issue.  Yes Muncie of Muncie fame.  (This is me patting myself on the back).

1988 - A report released by Surgeon General C. Everett Koop declared that nicotine was addictive in similar was as heroin and cocaine. Good to remember for those who still smoke.  Go into rehab!

My daughter is at the Lutheran Church Synod assembly today.  The Southeast Synod yesterday and today and the Northwest tomorrow and Monday.  I don't deserve such a great daughter - a perfect example of a prayer answered! 

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties  (excerpt)

That wasn’t the only place that Maddie took me that year.  When school got out she had more plans for me.  Her parents owned an old house in the middle of Lake Orion on an island.  After living on lake front property when I was younger I loved going to her “cottage” with the family in the summer time.  When we got to the lake we had to all carry something to the small boat tied up there and get in the boat.  Her dad would start up the motor and off we’d go across the lake (regardless of weather) to the two story old farm house on a small piece of ground.  The dog loved it too.  He was hard to keep in the boat till we got across the lake. 
Las Tunas Cuba - entertainment!

Feria Ganado

entertainment-nightlife / Other

Located in Parque Julio 26 where Vicente García bends into Av 1 de Mayo, it kicks off every weekend with a market, music, food stalls, kids’ activities and, if you’re lucky, a full-scale rodeo (you’ll see the large permanent arena as you walk in).

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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