Monday, May 4, 2015

May 4, 2015 Monday

Get Fit
Did some Ballet today.  Dance is just a great way to exercise, you don't even know you are.   Just have fun!.

Get Faith
Revelation 21:1-8
This is about the second coming.  A new heaven and a new earth.  This is what our faith prepares us for.  It is indescribable in current terms, likenesses have to be used.  If you trust in God you know that his love will blend with ours and we will be in heaven.  God loves you.

On this day:
1976 - Christine, my mom and I had belly dance classes together at the YMCA. (See Get Fit above)  Christine brought me some knit slippers her mom had made me, they had pointed toes, like elfs feet.  I loved them.

2003 - Idaho Gem was born. He was the first member of the horse family to be cloned. I don't follow the horses but this is interesting, wonder how the horse did racing or any others cloned later.

Reversal - I have to make sure Mom is taken care of and that she has clean clothes for the week while I am gone to Toronto.

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties (excerpt)

     Her parents were kind of hoighty toighty and so was she come to think of it.  They were Catholic and Maddie went to the Catholic school system at the corners of Outer Drive and Southfield.  You could start at St Scholastica elementary school, graduate to the High School which was St Benedictine and then kiddy corner from that was the Mercy College and finish up your life at the Arnold’s old folks home, run by the nuns on the 4th corner.  If you were a good Catholic you would marry and start having a hundred children after high school, or college which would put you back at St Scholastica, with your own kids. I do think it was a mortal sin not to follow that life path according to the Catholic Church.  They had a lot more sins then we had and had to go to the priest and tell him what sins they had committed.  I always felt that they considered themselves better than me because they were Catholic and I wasn’t, and later discovered that was an absolutely accurate guess.  But I tried to win them over.  
Las Tunas Cuba - This looks great!


The city of Las Tunas is located in along the Carretera Central (highway), between the cities of Camagüey, Holguín and Bayamo.
In 1943 the municipality was divided into the barrios of Primero, Segundo, Antonio Machado, Arenas, Caisimú, Cauto del Paso, Cuaba, Curana, Dumañuecos, Ojo de Agua, Oriente, Palmarito, Playuelas and San José de la Plata.[1] The city is currently divided into the repartos (wards) of Primero (city centre), Segundo, La Victoria, Aguilera, Santo Domingo, Pena, La Loma, Aurora, Velázquez, Sosa, Casa Piedra, Israel Santos, Buena Vista, Alturas de Buena Vista, Propulsión, Aeropuerto and Reparto Militar.


The city was founded in 1796 around the Parish of San Jerónimo. In 1853, after a Royal Decree, it received the title of "city". In 1976, following the suppression of the Oriente Province and its split up, Las Tunas became the capital of the new and homonym province.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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