Tuesday, May 19, 2015

May 19, 2015 Tuesday #dancegardenlife

Get Fit
How about that dancing.  I did disco with Richard this morning. The TV has all kinds of exercise channels now.

Get Faith
Genesis 2:7-15  This tells us that God created man and put him in the garden to care for it and be cared for by God.  Where did we go wrong?  We were kicked out of the garden for disobedience.  There was also in the middle of the garden "the tree of life".  We still have that.  I think I need to care for the gardens God has blessed me with and take care of that tree of life - mine that I owe him thanks for - forever!  These few sentences tell us a lot.  Look on a map for the Tigris and Euphrates rivers that flowed from the garden of Eden.

On this Day:
2003 - Mom and I went to her cousin Johanna's funeral.  I always remember this lady to be beautifully dressed and groomed and perfectly behaved.  Her hosting skills were impeccable.  I thought very highly of her.  Her German accent was like music.  She had a stroke and was crippled and confined to a wheelchair for many years before she died.  Her husband Helmut doted on her and kept her home to the end.  He was near 90 when she died.  She never lost that becoming smile.  Some people know how to live with dignity and style.
2003 - Hundreds of Albert Einstein's scientific papers, personal letters and humanist essays were make available on the Internet. Einstein had given the papers to the Hebrew Universtiy of Jerusalem in his will. Did you know this?  What will you do, look it up?  Amazing.

I don't have grandchildren but I enjoy my friends.  Monna stopped by with Abel and Aubry yesterday.  The call me Auntie Nanny.  I love it and they know it.  Abel is 3 and comes to me and says "sit on your lap".  He knows I will rub his back, but then when he feels like he is going to sleep he leaps off.  When they left with the flower garden in a plastic cup they made they blew kisses and yelled they loved me till the car was out of sight.  I could die of overload.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties  This book will be published soon.

     Although it seemed like Maddie was an only child, she was the last of her siblings.  That’s probably why she took me along all the time.  The others were off and married and I saw them very little.  One of them had either married a foreigner or adopted a foreign child, because the little girl was Spanish looking, her name was Mary and she was the same age as my brother Martin.  They played together when they came to Maddy’s house in Detroit.  Here at the lake though, it was Maddie, her mother and I and occasionally her dad.  He would drop us off and go back to the city, back to work.
Las Tunas Cuba  shopping

168 Market in Las Tunas, Las Tunas, Cuba | Las ...

A local business listing for 168 Market in Las Tunas, Las Tunas, categorized as Shopping Center located in 937 E Las Tunas Dr, San Gabriel, CA. Here you can read and ...
Let's go here today!
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable !  Happy Birthday Elyse!

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