Friday, May 22, 2015

May 22, 2015 Friday National Maritime Day #wisdomspeedrecovery

Get Fit
Super Stomach with Denise.  Going to be a busy day.  Hey!  Go down and catch a ballgame!

Get Faith
Proverbs 3:1-18  About wisdom being more precious than silver and gold.  Wisdom is one of the those things that money can't buy.  Even a college education does not guarantee wisdom, but God who is perfect in his wisdom shares with us.  Blessing comes from seeking wisdom and living by it, says the study writer - I agree.

On this day:
1977 - It was cold but it didn't stop up from taking a boat load of people from Jefferson Beach Marina to a friend - Paul's on the Clinton River.  We had a guy named Azis on the boat with us.  I haven't thought about him for years, he was pretty popular with the girls.  Pete and I stayed up there for the weekend, the rest of them must have got a ride back by car.  It was pretty cold.  Hope Azis did okay, he was a nice guy.
1977 - Janet Guthrie set the fastest time of the second weekend of qualifying, becoming the first woman to earn a starting spot in the Indianapolis 500 since its inception in 1911. You go girl!

Went to the hospital yesterday to see my friend Amy that had back surgery.  She was in so much pain that when they got her up to go to the bathroom I had to turn my back.  I didn't want her to see me cry.  That is why I'm not a nurse.  God Bless nurses!

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties (excerpt)

     Quite often Maddie’s mom called out. “Maddie you need to go across to the bakery and get some bread, we are almost out"
     “Ok Mom we will take the sunfish over, ok?”
     “Ok be careful you don’t get the bread wet, come and get the money.”
     It wasn’t unusual for us to go to the bakery.  It was a small storefront built onto a little house on the bay behind the island.  It was a good distance to paddle to, but we didn’t mind and the hopes of something sweet that came from that wonderful smelling place was worth the trip.  The trip over was uneventful and no one ever said “no shoes no service” there.
Las Tunas Cuba more cuisine:

Plantain Chips with Garlic Sauce

Total votes: 1269
cuba recipes .org - Plantain Chips with Garlic Sauce
This is a very popular Cuban side dish, and always served with most Cuban main dishes. Can also be served as an appetizer.
Serving Size: 4


  • 2 large green plantains (peeled)
  • Vegetable oil
  • salt to taste
  • Mojo
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 6 garlic gloves (minced)
  • 1 cup large onion (finely chopped)
  • 1/2 cup lemon juice


Using a slicer, slice each of the plantains into thin chips and place in a bowl. In a frying pan or deep fryer, pour 2 to 3 inches of the oil and heat the oil over medium-high heat. Fry a handful of chips at a time, removing them and placing them in a bowl with a paper towel to soak the oil. The chips should be golden brown. Sprinkle with salt to taste.
For the mojo, you will need a large bowl. In a large bowl, pour the lemon juice, garlic and chopped onion into the bowl and stir. Heat the olive oil over medium-high for 2 minutes, then when hot, pour olive oil into bowl. Be careful not to get burned, since some of it might splatter out. Mix the mojo ingredients, then pour into dipping cups. Dip the mariquitas in the mojo and enjoy!
hmmmmm maybe.

Enjoy the Day Make it Memorable! 

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