Wednesday, May 27, 2015

May 27, 2015 Wednesday #fooddrybreadnotPolish

Get Fit
Worked out with Jillian today circuit training.  It was rough after eating that big Polish dinner last night. 

Get Faith
Acts 11:19-26 The church in Antioch.  The disciples went out to many places to spread the word of God about The Gospel.  After Antioch they were referred to as Christians.  Christ did not want his followers to call themselves this.  We love the name Jesus and every knee should bow at his name, but the message from God is what is important.  God so loved the world

On This Day
1985 - I had Nicole by C section 3 days earlier.  It was Dad's birthday and I got up and scoured the halls for a pink bow on someone's flowers for Nicole's head for her Grandpa.  I was breast feeding and they had it listed as "on demand".  It never goes away - "hi Mom what can I eat" you know that. 
1985 - In Beijing, representatives of Britain and China exchanged instruments of ratification on the pact returning Hong Kong to the Chinese in 1997. Things change -

The old school when I was a kid was "sit there till you finish your dinner" cold green beans are horrible.  With my daughter - well I gave her what she wanted and for the most part she was a good eater.  Uncle Marty made it better with the clean plate club, he gave them a quarter.  What was your method of getting them to eat?  Today people are so busy they catch a bite when they can - sitting down to a meal together is almost a thing of the past.  Too bad.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

     We each had a loaf of bread on our sailboard and intent on getting them back to Maddie’s mom – dry.  He came directly at us, turning at the last minute, creating huge waves coming to wash over our boards.  We both sat up and raised the bread over our heads.  We couldn’t hear him but could see him laughing big time at our dilemma.  Away he went and then straight back at us, turning to give us a spray of water and almost capsizing our boards.  We held the bread high, it was in plastic bags.  We did manage to get one of the loaves back to the house in good shape, the other became fish food.  Maddie’s mom had seen the whole thing and was on the phone when we walked in.  Small communities like that provide you with every phone number in the area.  Mrs. Howell heard about it before he ever got out of the boat.  I wondered if he got in trouble, we heard he was pretty spoiled.  It was a great time out there. 
     Go Jimmy Go by Jimmy Clanton

Las Tunas Cuba - Before we go ....

Las Tunas CUBA - En Parque Maceo

una buelta en parque Maceo las tunas   7:24   3 years ago   
Just like being there !
Enjoy the Day  Make it Memorable  Happy Birthday Claire, Pierre, Ed and Brandon.

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