Wednesday, May 13, 2015

May 13, 2015 Wednesday #invest/friends/faith

Get Fit
Try some Pilates!  This video has foot exercises.  As we get older we are more inclined to stumble and fall.  These exercise strengthen the ankles and give you more flexibility in your feet.  This video is GAIAM Pilates Conditioning for Weight Loss.  It also goes on to the full workout of the 100, roll ups and etc.

Get Faith
Psalm 119: 14 & 33-40  About loving the Lord and obeying his precepts.  We have a hard time living a godly life.  Too much in our lives seem so much more important - like money and the stuff we can buy with it.  Billions are spent on the lottery in over 100 countries, the study writer says.  I don't have a lot of money, I have enough - and I like stuff.  I do feel that the peace and comfort that I get from my faith are better than a huge bank account.  Judging by how happy the wealthy are, I think faith is a better investment.

On This Day
1983 - After work and shopping at Eastland I went out bar hopping with my good old friend Patrick.  We hit the Emerald City Harbor and finished the night at Brownies - the original Brownies.  We have been and still are great friends.  I have been best friends with his ex-wife since 1972 and friends with many of his girlfriends and his current as well.  I love people with personality and he has a lot, got any of those friends yourself?  Get one.

1888 - Slavery was abolished in Brazil.  Portugal settled Brazil and enslaved the natives and others from Africa to cut lumber etc.  This was not a new practice, it goes back to the beginning of the human race, to many nations.  Let's stop it.

Please include my niece Lindsey in your daily prayers to carry this baby full term to a happy and healthy birth! 

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

     The first person I would stop and see upon arriving at my service job was Anna.  She was elderly and bedridden and looked forward to holding my hand and telling me her life stories.  I learned how to wash her hands and face with a little basin of water and wash cloth and even to change the sheets on her bed, by rolling her back and forth from one side to the other.  There were other ladies I would visit but Anna was my favorite.  I think she reminded me of my Gram, who I didn’t see as often as when she lived with us.  After a few months I settled into a nice little routine of helping and spending time with the nuns and elderly patients.  I could feel the convent calling me.
Las Tunas Cuba culture
Unsuspected levels of culture can be appreciated in every-day life of this province, which despite being far away from the capital, may count on a population apt for study and creation. The people from Las Tunas are humble and charming, lovers of an abundant table that they offer spontaneously to visitors. The way of speaking in the region is somewhat different to the one predominant in the rest of the eastern zone, where one can perceive an intonation different to that of the rest of the country.
The artists who cultivate the "decima" in the territory have enjoyed and shared their art in national and international events on this particular poetic and musical genre of the Cuban countryside, developed around the figure of Juan Cristóbal Nápoles Fajardo (El Cucalambé). The inhabitant of Las Tunas is an inborn "decima" artist because improvisation comes out naturally.
Another artistic facet of the province is sculpture. It has set deep roots among the inhabitants of the province, which has been denominated "the sculpture capital".
National and international prizes on narration have been awarded to writers from this territory like Guillermo Vidal, professor and narrator, and Alberto Garrido, recently awarded the Casa de las Américas Prize, who shows an organic work with the story as most relevant genre.
The cult to heroes is part of the life of the people of this province. The Museo General Vicente García, located in colonial mansion where he used to reside, is a preferred place of the city.
The plaza devoted to the memory of José Martí treasures a singular sundial that allows the sun to illuminate his face on his birthday.  Wow how cool is that!

Enjoy the Day  Make it Memorable! 

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