Friday, May 1, 2015

May 1, 2015 Friday

Get Fit
Kathy Smith led me in some fat burning aerobics this morning.  Kind of in a hurry today, so I did about 20 minutes.  Going to be sitting a lot unfortunately.

Get Faith
Colossians 3:12-17  This is a continuation from yesterday's reading.  A new you in Christ.  "Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience."  In the face of all the hating, riots and murders these days it is hard to be this person, but wouldn't it be great if we all were?

On this day
2004 - Nicole's buddy Craig and I drove to Albion to pick Nicole up from her freshman year away at college.  He borrowed his mom's mini van and we got everything into that and Nicole's Tempo.  I'm sure many families are doing that same thing right now. 

1905 - In New York, radium was tested as a cure for cancer. Didn't they find out this caused cancer?

After having your "child" away that first year at college it is such an eye opener.  The changes are mind boggling.  They have now become independent, have all new habits and time frames and no attention span what so ever.  They fall back into family life in a couple weeks if I remember right, then go back in August.  Every year after it seems the changes are more extreme and less likely to go back to what they were.  What has your experience been?

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

      We called for each other at the door in those days.  “MAAAADDEEEEEEEEE.” I hollered.   And Maddie came to the door. She obviously knew I was there by the dog barking. 
     Maddie was maybe a little older than me.  On this day she taught me how to shave my legs. 
     “Guess what I learned to do from my sister?” she said like it was a secret.
     “What” I asked in great anticipation.
     “Shave the hair off my legs” she held up a leg for me to see.
     Now I can tell you, she had dark hair and so she had some pretty thick hair on her legs.  I was impressed at how smooth her legs were!
Las Tunas Cuba  We have moved.  Thought this would be interesting at this time.
Popular Las Tunas Hotels

Hotel Las Tunas

Hotel Las Tunas
Hotel Rating
Las Tunas, Cuba
Hotel Las Tunas provides a comfortable setting while in Las Tunas. It is ideally close to Hermanos Ameijeiras Airport, which is a 10-minute drive away.

Cadillac Las Tunas

Hotel Rating
Las Tunas, Cuba
All 2 hotels in Las Tunas   Sorry not a large selection here.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Bob!!

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