Thursday, May 28, 2015

May 28, 2015 Thursday #boatswaterfriends

Get Fit
Try This Abdominal Corset  While in a sitting or standing position, draw your stomach in by tightening in your stomach muscles.  Attempt to draw your waist away from your waist band all the way around.  If you are doing this right, you should feel taller - and be able to breathe.  Hold for a count of 10.  Repeat 5 times. This is from a sheet of exercises the therapist gave me.

Get Faith
Proverbs 30:1-4  Who is Agur talking about here?  This is a writing from the Old Testament.  We now know it is Jesus Christ the son of God.  "I am weary God, but I can prevail."  The promise of Jesus the Messiah kept the Israelites focused on the future - it is now and we have Him.

On this Day;
1990  This was Memorial Day in this year.  Mark, Marty and Big Wave, Nicole and I went out on the boat to Muskamoot Bay with some friends the Logan's and their boat.  We toured around by Shore Club to see Don and Pat and then came home for a BBQ.  What a great time on the lake.  Do you have access to a boat?  For my friends by Lake St Clair we live for those days.
1918 - Azerbaijan declared independence. This will be a good place for my travelers group.  I have never heard of it. 

I am so glad my daughter has adopted the things that were good in my life.  She loves the water and her boat and God.  She has a great group of friends.  Let's see someone else I know hung around the water with His friends and loved God. 

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
When I returned home from Maddie’s summer place my mom informed me that next week we were going up to Port Sanilac to my Aunt’s cottages.  We did every summer and it holds a ton of memories for me.  We usually stayed in the big cabin at the top of the hill that went straight down to the beach.  We were overrun with cousins and a lot of them were there a lot of the time.  That’s why I couldn’t take Maddie up with me.  We always had other family’s kids with us, which didn’t make Mom too happy, but I liked it.
     Good Timin’ by Jimmy Jones
Las Tunas Cuba:  last days!

Las Tunas CUBA - Una Vuelta En Centro

Una Vuelta En Centro De Las Tunas   13:01   3 years ago   Bus Tour!!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Dad and Brandon

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