Monday, May 11, 2015

May 11, 2015 Monday

Get Fit
Started back with AM yoga.  Was away from home all last week and other then a few good walks, it was a sedentary week.  Back to the program but I started slow.  When you have a break in your schedule, don't make it permanent, get back on target ASAP.

Get Faith
1Timothy 1:12-20   Paul writes -  Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance:  Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners - of whom I am the worst.  How do you feel about this statement?  Does it refer to you?  Do you feel you are the worst?  Somewhere in the middle?  Maybe  beyond help?  You are saved by Christ - God loves you.

On this day;
1979 - Our company accountant always had an end of tax season party in his office suites at the Troy Towers.  It was the go to party, lots of food, people and drinks.  I took a guy I was currently dating but had to call my old boyfriend Pete to let my dog Ziggy out so I didn't have to drive across town.  I always kept on good terms with my exes.

1889 - Major Joseph Washington Wham takes charge of $28,000 in gold and silver to pay troops at various points in the Arizona Territory. The money was stolen in a train robbery.  would you say this is robbing Peter to pay Paul?

Parenting & Family
Having been in the midst of moving my mom from Hospital to rehab to nursing home and now to assisted living, it seemed natural to go into Toronto with by bestie Chris to go through some of the same with her.  I love her family.  Even after a 30 year absence I feel like we just said goodbye.  I miss them already.

Come Get these Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

      Sister Sam was the nicest sweetest person I had ever met.  I couldn’t imagine how kids could complain about the wonderful, habit clad ladies that were so visible in their classrooms and at that entire intersection.  She showed me around, and out to the gardens where they could sit in peace and pray.  It seemed a far cry from Pastor Born teaching confirmation class from Luther’s small catechism in his booming voice.  I began to think about becoming a nun.
Las Tunas Cuba

Las Tunas

The province of Las Tunas, situated between Camagüey, Holguín and Granma, is famous for its quiet, untouched beaches, rural “cowboy” culture and diverse array of events, including Cuba’s biggest campesino music festival, Latin America’s only magic conference and a month-long sculpture exhibit.
The provincial capital, the city of Las Tunas, has been dubbed El Balcón del Oriente (The Balcony of the Oriente), thanks to its location, marking the divide between western and eastern Cuba – both geographically and culturally. Also commonly known as the “City of Sculptures,” the city streets are decorated with more than 100 sculptures.
Las Tunas Province also has its share of shimmering sand, turquoise waters and colourful coral, most notably at Covarrubias Beach, on the Atlantic coast. Nearby is the province’s second-largest city, Puerto Padre, which is known for its sugar mills and a history dating back to

Enjoy the day Make it Memorable!! 

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