Saturday, May 30, 2015

May 30, 2015 Saturday #sorrowjudgementacceptance

Get Fit
Went for a walk today, such a beautiful morning!  Just went a mile - I will get another one in later today.  Walking is the best.

Get Faith
John 11:32-44 This is about Mary and Martha's brother Lazarus dying.  They were crying over their loss and Jesus wept with them.  He knew he could raise Lazarus and he did, but I think he was crying because he felt the pain his friends were feeling - like we do.  I cannot help but cry if I see someone else crying.  For those of us who believe our sorrow is temporary.

On this Day
1991 - Nicole and I went to Aaron's Honor night at his school.  He was a brother to be proud of and we seldom missed any of his school events. (video available).
1416 - Jerome of Prague was burned as a heretic by the Church.

1431 - Joan of Arc was burned at the stake in Rouen, France, at the age of 19.  Sorry to say these were all Christian events.  Where did we go wrong - what did they miss about Jesus's teachings?  What were they afraid of?

Have you attended events honoring your child's achievements?  Watched them in a parade?  Watched them play sports?  We love when our children do well.  I have done all the above with my daughter but the thing I appreciate the most - is her faith.  She is active in her Christianity, but there are those who don't approve because she is gay.  I see a line between the above acts and the behavior of people in the church today.  Judge not and I will not judge you.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

Dad dropped us off just like Maddie’s dad did and went back to the city.  A couple of years earlier, he and my other uncles had built a big year round house back away from the edge of the hill and behind the big cabin.  We spent a lot of time there.  Well, I did because my Gram was there, and on a rainy day I could play Canasta with her all day long.  Not as much though after Martin came along.  I babysat a lot.  Mom was usually over whelmed at so many kids around and thought she was supposed to be in charge. She got real bossy and complained about being stuck with all the kids.  But later, remembering those times she says she loved having the kids around and doing things with them.  I must have misread Mom a lot.
Las Tunas Cuba  last 2 days what shall we do?

Ristorante La Romana

restaurants / Italian
Spotted any Italians yet? No? Then drop by this new Roman abode on the main boulevard where the olive oil's extra virgin, the pasta's homemade and the coffee's Lavazza. The food – including the starter bruschettas – is molta ottima , according to Las Tunas' bevy of Italian

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable  Happy Birthday Elizabeth!

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