Thursday, May 21, 2015

May 21, 2015 Thursday #givebloodRedCross

Get Fit
I haven't heard too much about kick boxing but I still do it twice a month.  I feel like if I quit I won't be able to do it anymore - and I hate to give anything up.

Get Faith
Isaiah 61:1-3  "He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted,"  This scripture, as many others always makes me think of how the poor grasp their faith and worship God for all they have.  As we get more comfortable we don't need God and the care and provisions of love and peace that he provides.  I always worry about the well off that turn their back on God - until there is hardship, like a death or health issue.  Thank God today - you might not get a chance tomorrow.

On This Day:
2013 - This was the day that Oklahoma was reeling from Tornados that leveled an entire city.  A few years before that was the Oklahoma city bombing.  It amazes me how people can pull up their sleeves and rebound after horrible tragedy's, but they do.

1881 - The American branch of the Red Cross was founded by Clara Barton.  Clara called me yesterday to give blood - or someone like her.  I got June 3 what about you?  Big shortage.

Speaking of blood (?) , when Nicole was 3 she was in kidney failure and needed blood.  It was scary because of the huge news on HIV.  She looked like a ghost in the hospital bed until they gave her blood.  You could see the pink, the life going back into her.  Give blood - might be someone you love that needs it next.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

When we lived at Maceday Lake near Pontiac I was only five when the Red Cross sent an instructor to the beach club we belonged to.  I was too young for the classes and was forced to sit out the lessons on the dock.  I watched everything he taught them and later after the lessons I went into the lake and practiced everything he taught.  I became an excellent swimmer at 6 and even taught my cousins how to swim when they came out to visit.  In hindsight now, I wonder why they didn’t teach younger kids to swim it would have been a life saver.
Las Tunas Cuba - cuisine

Stuffed Plantain Cups

Total votes: 8361
cuba recipes .org - Stuffed Plantain Cups
The Cuban Stuffed Plantain Cups or Tostones Rellenos. This recipe is a tasty variation of the known Tostones (Chatinos) from the traditional Cuban cuisine and is very easy to do. Try it and then enjoy!


  • 6 green plantains
  • 3/4 cup filling (cheese and ham ground)
  • oil
  • salt (to taste)


Peel and chop plantains into 3. Toss them  in a pan and add oil to coat. Put the pan over medium heat and when plantains are browned remove them.
Put plantains on paper to absorb the oil and then crush them by hand. Make a hole in the center (without damaging the plantain) and place stuffed with cheese and ham.
When they are all shred them in hot oil. Take them out as they become browning. Sprinkle salt to taste.
They shouldbe served hot.  What do you think sound good?  try it!

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