Tuesday, May 5, 2015

May 5, 2015 Tuesday Cinco de Mayo

Get Fit
Beat myself up with Jillian today.  Circuit training with weights.  It works, this 68 year old was able to walk 7 miles up hill and down on Saturday with no pain after.

Get Faith
John 15;1-15 -  The vine and the branches.  Jesus used stories to help us understand.  This reminds me of being at camp and looking for dead branches to be used for camp fires.  The dead branches come from bushes and trees that are still alive.  The dead branches are dead because they fell off the tree.  At camp they are used in the fire that we sing and praise God around.  Don't be the dead branch join us in praise.  Stay connected.

On this day;
1977-  I had stopped at Pete's parents house to see Tatjiana and Erich his parents.  I was very close to them.  When I got home my Aunt Theresa and Uncle Hank stopped by.  I loved them to the moon.  They were always there for me and the most fun you can imagine.  All four of them are gone now. I'm glad I spent the extra time with them.  I can't tell you enough to not miss that opportunity to see the ones you love.

1494 - Christopher Columbus sighted Jamaica on his second trip to the Western Hemisphere. He named the island Santa Gloria. Mon.

Christina and I are going to Toronto today.  Her brother Ted and his wife Helen are still there where Chris was born and raised.  I have been there many times before and love going, it's like going home for me to.  Family is who you want it to be.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

  The Village of St Bernadette by Andy Williams
     Maddie talked me into service at the old folk’s home. She had a lot of great ideas that girl.  I even got permission to leave my public school so that I could arrive there in time for my service.  My mom reminded me again and again that I was not Catholic and could not join the church.  Mom was battling a corps of caped nuns working against her.

Las Tunas Cuba


The Las Tunas province was established in 1976, when it was split from the 'Oriente Province.
The southern coast, which opens onto the Gulf of Guacanayabo, is marshy and characterised by mangroves. This wet area is used to grow sugarcane, as the wet climate is well suited for the crop.
Cattle are also grazed in the province, which was, until 1975, part of the Oriente province that was divided into five smaller provinces by the Cuban government. The city of Las Tunas was just a small market town until that year, and a large development program was started to modernise the town and connect it by road to Havana.[citation needed]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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