Monday, May 25, 2015

May 25, 2015 Monday Memorial Day #Waterandmusic

Get Fit
I know its a holiday, but get moving - how about a morning walk?  I worked out with Richard and the resistance band this morning, but that's just me.

Get Faith
Exodus 15:1-2,13-18  The Israelites praised God for saving them and their exodus from Egypt.  They praised him in song.  We still praise him in song - he saves all of us everyday to share this life in love and peace and saves us for the life to come.  Praise Him Praise Him all the little children - God is Love.

On This Day
1978 - Life offers interesting opportunities.  Chris and I had been to the Met in Detroit a couple of times (her attempt at enlightening me) and we met a guy named Victor.  He walked right up to us in the lobby and introduced himself, he was the make-up artist for the MET.  I believe his other job was to procure women for the after party, you know?  On this day I believe Pavarotti was coming to town and Victor called me to ask if I would attend the concert and join the after party.  I'm sorry I didn't.  That would be another tale to tell you.

1895 - Oscar Wilde, a playwright, poet and novelist, was convicted of a morals charge and sentenced to prison in London. seems there is another side to this artistic talent types.

I hate it when my daughter goes away.  I love that she has this life that offers opportunity, but I miss her while she is gone.  My nest will not be empty long - Amy will come today and stay while her back heals from surgery.  God delivers me from boredom.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)

     There was enough money to purchase a couple cookies and two loafs of yummy smelling bread and go back to our sailboards.  The cookies didn’t last long and we were soon back on our stomachs and paddling back across the lake.  As we reached the halfway point you could hear the speed boat coming.  There weren’t too many during the week so we pretty much knew who it was flying toward us.
Las Tunas Cuba -
LAS TUNAS CUBA  I am all about this today!  Last week here, enjoy!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable  Happy Birthday Fernando, Lloyd Jr.! 

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